In-Use Cover sealing in wet location on stucco wall

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Attached photo shows Carlon old work receptacle box mounted in outside stucco wall that will see beating rain.

The dimensions of this box are smaller than the usual properly designed weatherproof boxes.

All In-Use cover plates that I have found are designed to seal to properly designed weather proof boxes. Thus they will completely surround but NOT seal to the Carlon box.

It is questionable whether the gasket supplied with the In-Use cover will effectively seal to the stucco.

Thus it looks like the only way to make things weatherproof and raintight is to apply a heavy bead of caulking material around the In-Use cover plate where it meets the stucco surface.

Will this approach satisfy the wet location requirements of the code?
I seal all my outdoor covers sides and top with a product called Through The Roof in a caulk gun. I've never trusted those cheap foam gaskets to seal out water on any surface.
If I'm not mistaken in the instructions to your WP cover it tells you to use silicone/caulk for surfaces other than mounting to WP box.
That sounds right.

I like to use this style of box, it's much lower profile and keeps water out nicely.

I hate those products. At least the one I used. It was a brick house and the cover got broken before the job was complete--- we had to have the masons come back and chop out the brick so we could replace the product. Thre is no way to replace just the cover when the plastic nubs snaps.
I hate those products. At least the one I used. It was a brick house and the cover got broken before the job was complete--- we had to have the masons come back and chop out the brick so we could replace the product. Thre is no way to replace just the cover when the plastic nubs snaps.
They make replacement covers for that line of products.

I have never had the "nubs" break off the box though - I myself would probably fabricate something should that happen. If this was still before construction was finished, someone was being rather abusive and needs a little talking to, friendly conversation with all words we can use on this site of course:), at the very least about respecting equipment belonging to or installed by other trades.
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