in-use covers

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:D:D I can't tell you how many "Bubble" covers I've seen where the "Bubble"
has been broken off. I think that plastic bottle would have 100 times the
lifespan of a cheap "Bubble" cover. Of course,not as pretty. :D

This was on a street in NYC. There were about 5 trees and every single one had the cover broken off and a nice weatherproof bottle over it. :cool:
Is that a Pepsi or Coke WP cover?
sorry for the delayed response but they said it had been delayed till 2011 because not all manufacturs have had time to design the product.
sorry for the delayed response but they said it had been delayed till 2011 because not all manufacturs have had time to design the product.

Unless there is a local amendment, as far as I know there is no delay on the requirement for weather resistant receptacles.

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