Yesterday I connected 3 110VAC relays to the same triac output on a PLC. when I tried it, I looked in the cabinets where the relays were located expecting to see the indicator lights (LED's?) lit up. I didn't see anything so I thought I had something screwed up.
Turned out that all three relays are energized - they pull in quite solidly just like normal - but the indicators on none of them light up. there are two from one manufacturer and one from another.
I can't figure out how the relays pull in, but the indicators don't light on any of them.
Turned out that all three relays are energized - they pull in quite solidly just like normal - but the indicators on none of them light up. there are two from one manufacturer and one from another.
I can't figure out how the relays pull in, but the indicators don't light on any of them.