Industrial Project

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NO, but there may be a prevailing wage that you will have to pay, and prove via certified payroll reports.

Review your bid documents carefully.
mtnelectrical said:
Is there any law, ordinance, or whatever it is to rules when a project have to be done by a union shop? Please be nice with your answers, Thanks

technically, no.

as a practical matter, in many areas of the country a non-union shop is as a practical matter frozen out of many projects.
Who's to say you have to be unionized? I have to be brief on this. This forum does not tolerate union vs. non.. What are your tasks at hand?
Well I had the impression that large projects were done only by union shops, and I thought that the expertise of the members of this forum would help me to clear my doubts and It is not my intention to start a fire here.
Well I am working in relocate a machine shop/service company to a new building, probably around 30 machines, existing service 208/120 3 ph 800 Amps in old building. Machines ranging from 40 HP to 2 HP, probably I will install 4 power panel around new building (3 of 225 Amps and one of 400 Amps) The service in the new building is only 400 Amps 208/120.
unless the company specifies that only a union contractor works for them, don't worry...some of your best small non-union contractors were once some of the best union electricians money could buy...
mtnelectrical said:
Well I had the impression that large projects were done only by union shops...

That may have had some truth to it years ago, along with the myth that only union shops were able to do quality work, but I have seen many big jobs taken away from me by open shops, done successfully with quality workmanship.

IBEW in Dallas is down to 3% market shops do the rest of the work... which means most of the big jobs are non-union.
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petersonra said:
technically, no.

as a practical matter, in many areas of the country a non-union shop is as a practical matter frozen out of many projects.
However, if you have your apprentices in an "approved" school, with similar wage and benefit packages, than you can work on ANY job.

I know of one shop that is doing a Federal job that has no benefit package, but more than matches the total package, just by what they pay per hour.
the only way union is required if the indusrial complex has union employees and they have negotiated with management that only union shops work there..the concept is that with union you can do bigger jobs and go to union shop get labor and at end of job send labor back to union hall..just helps control your labor costs..
cschmid said:
the only way union is required if the indusrial complex has union employees and they have negotiated with management that only union shops work there..the concept is that with union you can do bigger jobs and go to union shop get labor and at end of job send labor back to union hall..just helps control your labor costs..
Yea, that the way it was at the car plant here. I have worked there on a project and only organized labor could work there.

Now that plant is closed.
Minuteman said:
Yea, that the way it was at the car plant here. I have worked there on a project and only organized labor could work there.

Now that plant is closed.

Thats how they all are in Detroit, and now most of them are closed or being closed and moved.
cschmid said:
...the concept is that with union you can do bigger jobs and go to union shop get labor and at end of job send labor back to union hall..just helps control your labor costs..

That sounds great in theory, but it does not quite work like you think it should. All types of shops have issues finding labor, which is a whole other thread here about what is happening to our trade.
ITO said:
That sounds great in theory, but it does not quite work like you think it should. All types of shops have issues finding labor, which is a whole other thread here about what is happening to our trade.

it's all managements fault....they expect everyone to produce..that's the problem....
thats right it is some Else's fault the great down fall of our when does it become your responsibility..

In theory the union was suppose to be like that for contractor..have a huge pool of qualified people to choose from to do the work..Yet with the large quantity of people came some huge financial burden..So it did not pan out the way it was intended..Yet it still works for many and successfully..

So If you can handle the size of the job you bid and complete it according to the package it is free for all to win union nonunion alike..
Wow, with that sour attitude at home playing on the computer all day... and you wonder what happed to your market share. I guess that's our fault to huh?
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