Re: Infinite Resistance
Disclaimer: I do not know a darn thing about the following. Please forgive my rambling.
I was thinking more along the lines of the quantum nature of current flow and voltage. Either formula will be incorrect at certain extremely small values and certain extremely large values of the given quantities.
I am just speculating here. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing perhaps? I would be glad to discuss it with you or anyone else for that matter though. I just might learn something!
Is it possible in reality for the current flow (in amps) in a circuit to be equal to any rational number from (and including zero) to (but excluding) infinity as predicted by Ohm's Law?
Same question but concerning voltage? (The voltage question does not seem to me to be a valid example of Ohm's Law failing when dealing with nature because the voltage is the "mover" not the "movee."
Is it possible for 1/2 of an electron to flow?
Is infinite resistance or zero conductance possible in the first place?
Does the internal resistance of the source need to be factored in? The answer is (obviously) yes, and I realize that the resistance or conductance in whichever form of Ohm's Law you use can include this quantity...
But does the internal resistance of a source take care of the situation where a 1.5 v D cell battery with a .05 ohm resistance placed across it cannot possibly produce the number of amps predicted by Ohm's Law? (note: The internal resistance just may take care of this. I have never seen any literature or discussion of the subject. Anyone?)
The above question could also relate to the available short circuit currents of small transformers and large transformers with equal voltage outputs and similar %Z. (although maybe Ohm's Law usage here would need to have the conductance equal to 1 divided by impedance)
And on a related note:
Is space all smooth and uniform and infinitely divisible? Or is it a quantum entity?
Same question for time...
I have been looking for the solution to Zeno's paradox ever since a long time ago, but have never found anyone who knows any more about it than I do.
Zeno's paradox is similar to the "rock cannot hit the window" paradox.
The ds/dt = 0 argument doesn't hold for me because ds/dt may have a limit of zero but it never actually equals it... unless time or space or both are quantum entities.
I have many thoughts, but nary a clue