but the 14/12 backstab combos are not available anymore.
the last time i saw one of those was about two years ago, which was when the company i worked for switched to #14 where allowed. i've never had a problem w/ back-stabbed wiring. i don't have any experience w/ halo poke-home connectors, but those on lithonia recessed are great. never had a problem w/ them. while we're talking about recessed, have any of you used the lithonia product? i've probably installed 200 halo's max, and thought the lithonia blew them away. much easier to install, rough and trim. anyhow.
What I like best about back-wired devices is not having to pigtail when there are more than two wires per side or when split-wiring.
you probably know this and just didn't have it in your post, but i don't think you're allowed to do that w/ the neutral.
I've pulled out too many of those and had the wires not come with the device, but rather stay in their place in the box. I go for the standard hook on tightened with a flat head
w/ back wired, you have two holes on either side of the screw. make sure you put it in so that the screw is pulling the wire in, and use a flathead. ex. on a recep w/ the ground pin down, put the hot in the hole under the screw, so a clockwise turn will pull it. opposite on the neutral, else you're putting pressure to push the wires back out.