inspections When?

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Senior Member
Re: inspections When?

Originally posted by marinesgt0411:
When do I NEED to pull a permit
I've been in this line of work for almost 20 years now, and This is something I still don't understand!
I have asked every AHJ I deal with...None of them can give me a straight forward answer.
I asked them to please explain what determines whether I need a permit or not... is it determined by the amount of work?, the type of work?, the cost of the job? What? Just tell me! PLEASE!
Do I need one to install a ceiling fan?
Do I need one to replace a light switch?
Do I need one to add a new circuit?
Do I need one to install a transfer switch?

The only answer I've ever got was..."well, if the power co. has to get involved you need a permit"!?!?
Ok, good enough for me...So now that's the ONLY time I pull one! If I need a new service hooked up, a "service change" hooked up, or if it's a job where the the GC has already pulled the building permit and I'm forced to be inspected... otherwise I don't worry about it anymore since I do the work the same exact way whether it's inspected or not!
It's weird, every time I asked them they got all flustered, and started mumbling, like I was asking something really personal, or as if it was none of my business... I'm not so sure "they" even know!




Staff member
Re: inspections When?

Originally posted by marinesgt0411:
" I'm not so sure "they" even know!"

That is my point. how am I to know?
The only way to know what the inspector expects is to talk to them. I ask right up front what they want to see and when.

In one local city I had the inspector out every day for about a week, he wanted to see each cad weld to the rebars the footings of a large project.

In a local town I did a moderate size remodel of a retail store and never was able to get the inspector on the phone and I never saw them on the site. :D


In an industrial setting I don't know what the rule is, if any. The peolpe I've worked with on indudustrial always had the same answer, "it depends". Whatever that means
Here they would need to have 'Maintenance Permit' which is good for one year. It allows repairs and replacements but not new installations. ;)


Senior Member
Re: inspections When?

"" I'm not so sure "they" even know!"

That is my point. how am I to know? "

I think that is a fair assessment for most of the time.

The situation is usually different for each municipality/state. The best way to find an answer is as Bob has replied, and go to the website, download it and make copies for the inspectors (I am not kidding). In my office, we go over this and they still get confused :confused:

In our jurisdiction it is kind of simple. If you do other than replace devices or fixtures that already exist, a permit is required.

Are they pulled for all work ....
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