Inspector "I want..."

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electricmanscott said:
Helped out a friend with a service change the other day. He had it inspected today. A few things the inspector wanted, agree? Disagree?

I know what I think...discuss!

1. #4 Cu must go to the neutral bar where the neutral is connected not the bar on the opposite side of the panel. "What if the bonding screw comes loose, you will lose your ground, you can't rely on just that screw"...."
"Just jump the two bars with a #6 and you're good"

2. Install GFCI receptacle at panel. Or "if you want to use the existing basement receptacles to count as the "Required receptacle" you have to change them to GFCI."

3. GEC has to connect to the street side of the meter. "I'll make it easy for you, just add a jumper around the meter and you'll be ok"
The GEC hit the pipe within 5' of entry and jumped across water meter already.

Also he mentioned that since the new AFCI requirements guys are installing fewer circuits in new homes. He will be checking to make sure you install as many circuits as the code requires.

I would think he was already aware of this before the advent of AFCIs.

1. Show him 250.24(A)(1) & (4)

2. That myth exists by us too. I have been telling many contractors it is not a code should see their reactions. It may be a local law, so you should check for that.

3. GECs to the street side of a water meter is usually a utility requirement, it certainly is not an NEC requirement. Again, check for local laws.
izak said:
i know where a house is that is wired in #10 throughout, and the panel is filled with single pole 30 breakers....

go figure...

Do tell, you know you can't post something like that here without details. :D
ITO said:
[reads 90.4]
[looks at the inspector right in the eyes]
[says]"Yes sir I will get that taken care of, thanks for the heads up on the AFIs."
[gets back to work making the necessary revisions to the work to get a green tag]

It has never been profitable to argue or play one-ups-man-ship with the AJH, or and inspector. I don't care if they want my feeder conduit painted pink, if that's what is takes to pass inspection, then I will send out a case of pink paint and get my men started.

That is just sad.
cowboyjwc said:
Remember, arguing with an inspector is like trying to teach a cat to fly. You soon discover that it's a waste of time and all your doing is annoying the cat.:D :grin:

That is pretty much it, being right does not always work out like you think it should.
cowboyjwc said:
Remember, arguing with an inspector is like trying to teach a cat to fly. You soon discover that it's a waste of time and all your doing is annoying the cat.:D :grin:

Love the analogy - disagree with the logic. For instance - we have a few newer inspectors here that have come up with some REALLY outlandish make-it-up-as-you-go-along-codes.... IMO if I give them one inch they will take a mile - next thing you know you're not working out of the NEC, or even local codes anymore. If I'm not the guy who stands up and calls them on their crap - everyone else just rolls over - the myth becomes law of the land. Then you're building to some whacked out standard that won't fly with the next inspector shows up, and all standardization falls through the floor - the earth rips away from its moorings and off into the aether we go....

Example: GFCI'ed bathroom lights was becoming the norm here just because they were now expecting it - finally made it a policy to drag them to the code book in my truck and ask them to find it.

I had an inspection many years ago with a then new Inspector wanting to have me replace an existing feeder because I did not leave a cable marking on it - there wasn't one there anyway.... She did not believe it was #1..... I showed her a piece of #2, and a piece of 1/0 - one bigger, one smaller than what was in the panel... She wants it "replaced"! At significant cost to either the company or customer.... So I called the boss who said - do not let her leave until you find a marking.... Why should we pay for another inspection, why allow her to leave, why allow her to quadruple the cost of the job? So after a 1/2 hour of looking I found one - DEEEP up in a very shallow 150 year old filthy crawl space - and I say "I got it right here!" - She says, "Oh I believe you...." I look at her and said - "Oh no you don't, you go up there and look at it. Here's my flashlight..." Sent her up there in the dress she showed up to the site in....:D
From an inspectors point of view, the thread tiltle is one that somewhat makes the hair on my neck stand :) ... I just hate when an electrician asks "well, what do YOU want?" as if I have a special Code. I have spent many a year explaining that I "want nothing". I am there to see that the job complies with the NEC. If there is a question, we will look at the book, the National Electrical Code book, not MY book.
iwire said:
It's easy to over design, the skill is knowing what you don't need. :cool:
The point I will try to get across is that I dont want a callback when the refrigerator compressor kicks on whille the toaster oven and microwave or cofeepot are being used.
They are used to paying 3000+ for electrical for a modern kitchen. The granite countertops and the cabinits alone will probably be 50 large. My customers are usually very rich and will not tolerate this kind of a minimal instalation it is just that it is where I live in a very wealthy resort area.
I dont want to be known as the bare minimum code instalation guy they do not exist around here. Rebuild for custom homes is figured at 600$ a square foot for insurance estimates.
I dont need to thread the cheapscate needle to make money here. They are here to enjoy the ocean for a 4 short months and are willing to pay not to be disrupted with nonsence.
cowboyjwc said:
Remember, arguing with an inspector is like trying to teach a cat to fly. You soon discover that it's a waste of time and all your doing is annoying the cat.:D :grin:
Now that is probably the funniest post on the site. And so true I dont know why people want to urgue with the inspector over peanuts.
augie47 said:
I just hate when an electrician asks "well, what do YOU want?" as if I have a special Code.

Have you ever asked yourself WHY they ask that question?

You may not be the only inspector they deal with.

Hate saying - consider yourself a special and dying breed - most of the Inspectors I seem to deal with often seem to be going by memory - and often a faulty one, and get offended if you question their judgement. I don't think I am totally alone on the opinion. Like any other job - there are those who take it seriously, those who take it too seriously, and those who either don't care, or are incompetent.
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e57 said:
Have you ever asked yourself WHY they ask that question?

You may not be the only inspector they deal with.

Hate saying - consider yourself a special and dying breed - most of the Inspectors I seem to deal with often seem to be going by memory - and often a faulty one, ........

I know what you mean e57, why just the other day I fell down a flight of stairs on the job...stood up, brushed myself off, and asked the inspector trainee that was with me....."What was all that racket?"......:D
quogueelectric said:
And so true I dont know why people want to urgue with the inspector over peanuts.

Because its not peanuts were arguing about... Its usually our money! How would you feel if you installed every receptacle one direction, yet the inspector would not accept it, would you bow down and change them, or fight it?
stickboy1375 said:
Because its not peanuts were arguing about... Its usually our money! How would you feel if you installed every receptacle one direction, yet the inspector would not accept it, would you bow down and change them, or fight it?
So you think you can make a cat fly??
quogueelectric said:
So you think you can make a cat fly??

You bet...
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When it's one of those "my way" things, that takes a little time and/or material - I leave the cat alone and just do it his way.

But, if it's a bunch of time and/or material - watch out for flying kitties!
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