I don't know the law in Oregon, but I think it is likely you are misstating it and assuming facts not in evidence. The inspector was "working" on his buddy's house. Are you trying to say that an inspector can't do home repairs? There is no information in this thread that points toward the inspector contracting without a license. He may very well be, there is just nothing here that points toward it.
Yes in Oregon by law the only one who can work on the guys house is immediate family members. We have strict laws here and if he was caught the first offense is $3,000. That usually gets reduced but I doubt it would for him. This is only if he was doing electrical work. Here is a copy of the law for conflict of interest.
Conflict of Interest for Building Officials, Inspectors, and Plans Examiners
(1) A person with an Oregon Inspector Certification and an Oregon Code Certification may not get paid to perform or manage work regulated by the state building code for a company engaged in construction or property development in Oregon when employed as an inspector, plans examiner, or building official by the division, a municipality, or a registered business under ORS 455.457.
(2) Notwithstanding (1), a person hired by the division, a municipality, or a registered business under ORS 455.457 may continue to perform or manage work for a company engaged in construction or property development in Oregon for 6 months after hire only as necessary to complete or transition previously accepted work, if:
(a) The person does not engage in any conflicts of interest;
(b) The person submits written notice to the jurisdiction that hired them of their intent to continue outside work; and
(c) The jurisdiction that hired the person consents in writing to the continued outside work.
(3) For the purposes of this section “engaged in construction or property development” includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Designing, testing, or auditing of buildings or other structures, devices, and equipment regulated by the state building code; and
(b) Selling products or services that design, test, or audit buildings or other structures, devices, and equipment that are regulated by the state building code or that provide information related to the requirements of the state building code.
(4) For the purposes of this section, “employed” means working directly for an employer as an employee and completing a withholding exemptions certificate required by ORS 316.162 to 316.212. (5) For the purposes of this section, “paid” means receiving any compensation from any source.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.720 Stat.
Implemented: 455.720
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