I'm still trying to figure out how an inspector from 70 miles away is doing work at a buddy's of his house, needs a breaker, walks next door finds an electrician, somehow invites him into his buddy's house, shows him a 6 movement Main panel that is full, fed with #8's on the far side of the house with no outside main, revealing all his concealed boxes and code violations, tells the electrician he needs the extra breaker because he thinks having a 1p circuit on a 2p breaker is somehow a code violation and then tries to defend himself to ward off any embarrassment in front of his friend and then tries to change the subject when the electrician starts counting handles in the panel to try and ward off any further embarassement of violating the 6 movement rule.
This guy may have simply not known any better or he was the victim of a very odd set of circumstances.
Regardless, If I had a buddy that would travel 70 miles to help me out, I'd take offense to all the trash you all are talking about him.
If he is an actual inspector and is doing something wrong, turn him in, or better yet, call for an inspection and give them the neighbors address and let the authorities in that jurisdiction do the work.