Installation of Romex in Conduit or Raceway...

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You all need to read my statement're NOT!
We have perused it but there is no "proof" in any of your posts. Give us some substantiation like a code section or manufacturers instructions that prohibit NM cable in a raceway.
"There is no instruction or rule that says you can not use non metallic sheathed cable in conduit."
However in order to use it in the application Conduit or Raceway, the MFG must authorize the application use in the listing.
It is their product is it not!?
You cannot use Romex in a commercial Building...'s not listed for use in Conduit or Raceways.
The MFG dictates how their product shall be used in their Approved listing and if you deviate from those instructions then YOU the user except liability for improper use and installation/s.

What does NEC say...

One of the most notable references is NEC Article 110.3(B), which states:

"Installation and Use." Listed or labeled equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.

So if you want to Prove me wrong...
Simply show me any Romex MFG listing that shows testing & analysis data, installation instructions providing the application installation in Conduit/Raceway you choose!

I just need the MFG blessing because that's what the NEC wants!


Not entirely.

You can not violate a listing. That much is correct. You also, should not install something in such a way that it violates installation instructions. That is correct also. Most install instructions will say, at the end, that you must follow the local authority having jurisdiction. It also says something similar in the NEC with regards to getting approval for an installation.

Where you are currently incorrect is in your reasoning that NM cable is somehow not allowed in commercial or in conduit. State or city building codes might not allow for the use of NM cable but there is nothing in the NEC or any testing laboratory that says it is not permitted. They do limit the construction type but the NFPA does not indicate occupancy usage limitations based on construction type. There is nothing saying a house must be made of wood or that a commercial building can not.

The term ROMEX is an industry term that became popular because it is the primary brand of NM cable.

There is nothing, anywhere, saying you can install wire in conduit by your standards. There is no UL test that says THHN wire is allowed in PVC or in RMC. It is frivolous to assume that Romex (if installed appropriately) is not suitably safe in conduit.

I don't quite understand your take on this. It is almost as if you were taught that Romex can not be installed in conduit at some point during your trainings and are making it a point on this forum. By wording it like a question, I can't help but ask if this was a discussion at your work where you took this stance and someone disagreed? Or if you have some kind of testing data or experience with an inspector that you are trying to share with us here?

In either case, the article you are currently quoting is insufficient to convince me and the argument seems incomplete.
Simply show me any Romex MFG listing that shows testing & analysis data, installation instructions providing the application installation in Conduit/Raceway you choose!
Installation instructions do not spell out every installation scenario. Do the installation instructions say to install the NM cable through a bored hole in wood? Or do they say staple the NM cable within 12" of a box? No of course not because those provisions are already in the NEC. The installation instructions likely say install as per the NEC or applicable code.
Then show us that in the manufacturers own white papers or specs.
It's not in white papers or specs. it's in the listing you need to READ.

READ NEC Article 110.3(B) as many times as it takes for you to get it...

One of the most notable references is NEC Article 110.3(B), which states:

"Installation and Use." Listed or labeled equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.

First you start with the LISTING...then you apply the NEC and if there are any conflicts...the LISTING rules the day.

The NEC did not pay a testing laboratory hundreds of thousands $$$$ to test a MFG product or material...the MFG did.

So first you get the MFG Listing Blessing, then the NEC Blessing...then you get the final inspection blessing.

Job well done...that simple!

This procedure hasn't changed in the 55 years I know of doing this Electron stuff, and it's not going to change because you can't read and comprehend properly!

Would you like to see my result posing this simple question to's funny too!

When in the NEC does it say shall use materials that are listed

AI said:​

The National Electrical Code (NEC) frequently emphasizes the requirement to use materials that are "listed" (evaluated and approved by a recognized testing laboratory, such as UL) to ensure safety, reliability, and compliance with applicable standards.
One of the most notable references is NEC Article 110.3(B), which states:
"Installation and Use." Listed or labeled equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.
This means that materials used in electrical installations must not only be listed (tested and approved by a recognized testing organization) but must also be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and the conditions of the listing.

Here's a clue...nobody will ever find a MFG Listing Romex for use in Conduits/Raceways...

Why...because it was never engineered/designed/TESTED for that application/s.

It was designed for FREE AIR CABLING...and accepted for Residential use only...period!!

So the correct answer to MY question...
Is installation of Romex in Conduit or Raceway...code complaint...


Correct answer is >>>> NO <<<<

Because it violates the Approved MFG Listing that does NOT instruct your desired application.
So the choice is now "The End" or Show me the LISTING...simple as that!

Did you say... BINGO!
So the correct answer to MY question...
Is installation of Romex in Conduit or Raceway...code complaint..
The answer is yes and it doesn't matter how many times you say nonsense about 110.(3)(B). The answers are right there in this thread. Did you notice that no one agrees with you?
You cannot use Romex in a commercial Building...'s not listed for use in Conduit or Raceways.
That is simply not true.

What manufacturer's instructions are you reading that tell how to install NM cable that specifically omit sleeving or enclosing it in conduit?

And how is doing so a danger?
It doesn't matter if anyone agrees with me...only thing that matters is if everyone follows the NEC !!
So it sounds as if you're satisfied with the fact that multiple posters have said that you're incorrect and no one agrees with you. All of the correct answers are in the posts, other than yours. Therefore this thread is done.
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