Insurance question

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Re: Insurance question

Some of us in N.Carolina that have Unlimited.We don't obtain this Certification,in the dreams of Grandeur-Contractor..Of being this, Private Unlimited Licensed Electrical Contractor.

There is two sides to every coin.I personally harbor no inkling or desire what so ever to be a contractor..I have no need of 1,000,000.00 bond.I'd really rather be part of a well-oiled honest Team/Machine.

I would also rather teach,or instruct my fellow Electricians.So Unlimited Certification at the least must be obtained,and still one must take steps further in the education process/ certification,beyond the Unlimited.This being just one stepping stone in getting there..

You can't teach and Instruct without it,and its certainly not enuff in qualifing you,to teaching with it.

I also harbor the desires, to become a Top Inspector/Plan Reviewer.This door will not be open to me,without the Unlimited..And again,just not enuff Certification.You must take the Education and Certifications.. even further still..

So gentlemen the question..Why should I be lumped into this category of,and being automatically in the restricted requirment in, the having to obtain the (one million dollars in bond)..?

This other side of the coin..

[ June 20, 2005, 08:55 AM: Message edited by: dillon3c ]
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