Interested in becoming an electrician.

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Senior Member
Burbank IL
Re: Interested in becoming an electrician.

I'm a union electrician and I have a son who's a 5th year apprentice that "tops out" (gets his journeyman card) in three weeks.
I have a second son who works for a non union contractor when on summer break from college.
My advice is whether you plan to go to college or not, to apply for the union apprenticeship as soon as you can. In the mean time making a living working non union is an option.


Senior Member
New England
Re: Interested in becoming an electrician.


The Electrical trade can be rewarding but it can be a lot of work. I recently read that an Electrician is one of the highest paid jobs not requiring a college deploma.
In my opion you can't beat the education that the NJATC and union can provide. You have to go to school a few nights a week but it is informative. As an apprentice you can almost be guaranted work if you try your best(pending the union work load). As a journeyman in the union you can make good money and benifits. If you get laid off you can always go non-union. As mentioned it is difficult to go back to the union from non-union.
I am employed by a non-union company. It is a great company that cares about the employees. It is a hundred plus shop that bids mostly large commercial jobs.
If you decide to pursue an electrical career review all options available.
Good luck with your endeavor.

Justin W.
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