interlock kit

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Is there a code issue with adding an interlock and back-fed CB in a subpanel that has a main?

IMO no, if anything there may be listing issue with the interlock kit if it is not listed/approved by the panel manufacturer.

Most of the 2nd party interlock kits are sort of like classified breakers AFAIK though and are acceptable even though the panel instructions don't mention them.
This is a pretty common setup around here, meter→service disconnect/main CB→MLO sub panel. OP wants to replace the MLO with a new panel containing a main with interlock kit. Sounds OK to me.
Is there a code issue with adding an interlock and back-fed CB in a subpanel that has a main?

Interlocks are designed to work only on panels with a main already In them.
Wouldn't do much good without it.
Back fed breaker most likely would not fit where a factory main would be.
No code issue that I know of.
Interlocks are designed to work only on panels with a main already In them.
Wouldn't do much good without it.
Back fed breaker most likely would not fit where a factory main would be.
No code issue that I know of.

Since the OP wants to install a new main CB sub-panel as long as the panel and interlock are listed and installed properly this should work.


problem solved,Square D makes a 200a meter combo w/ 8 cirs and an interlock inside cover. awesome!!!!!! thx everyone!!
Interlocks are designed to work only on panels with a main already In them.
Wouldn't do much good without it.
Back fed breaker most likely would not fit where a factory main would be.
No code issue that I know of.

A lot of newer main lug load centers have "convertible mains" and when you swap the main lugs for a main breaker you have same thing as you would have with a factory installed main breaker, those same panels often also have an interlock accessory that works with a aux feed breaker in the "1 and 3 breaker positions and the accessory kit will include a hold down kit as well since you are back feeding the generator breaker.

That hold down kit is one thing that the 2nd party units don't have included with them.
That hold down kit is one thing that the 2nd party units don't have included with them.
Some of the units (like the ones from come with cable ties that wrap around the back-fed breaker and the adjacent breaker so that once installed neither one can be "removed. However, while a good idea, the EI's in my area will not accept these as "tie downs" citing that the cable tie may dry out over time and snap off
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