Is a doorbell required?

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Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
Hi I was wondering if it is required to have a electric doorbell in a Single family residence?


a doorbell is not required in a single family home under the nec. however if you dig deep enough in the national fire protection assn book you will find something to the effect of "dwelling must have at least one egress capable of exterior emergency notification." (not an exact quote) thus the fire protection people want arriving emergency crews to have some means of alerting the people inside from the outside. thus as i have been told a door knocker or a chime meets this critera.
thus the fire protection people want arriving emergency crews to have some means of alerting the people inside from the outside. thus as i have been told a door knocker or a chime meets this critera.

I would think this would do the job as well or better.

a doorbell is not required in a single family home under the nec. however if you dig deep enough in the national fire protection assn book you will find something to the effect of "dwelling must have at least one egress capable of exterior emergency notification." (not an exact quote) thus the fire protection people want arriving emergency crews to have some means of alerting the people inside from the outside. thus as i have been told a door knocker or a chime meets this critera.

So if the house is on fire, the FD is gonna be polite and ring the doorbell?


"'Scuse us, ma'am, but we need to get into your kitchen to douse the raging flames. Might we?"
Just curious, do you have a code section?


Sorry it's not all multifamily and it may only be here in CA, but it may be in the ADA book as well. This is from the 2007 California Building Code based on the 2006 IBC.

1132A.10 Door Signial Devices. Every primary entrance to a covered multifamily dwelling unit shall be provided with a door buzzer, bell, chime, or equivalent. The activating mechanism shall be mounted a maximum of 48 inches above the floor and connected to permanent wiring.

The building inspector and I got bit with this one, at final, by our boss during the walk through of a 190 unit assisted care faucility. And to make things worse it was all fire rated corridors.
I just searched my PDF copy of the 2009 IBC, and the phrases "Door Signal Devices" and "Signal Devices" didn't show up.

But you said California! Different universe there.

I just searched my PDF copy of the 2009 IBC, and the phrases "Door Signal Devices" and "Signal Devices" didn't show up.

But you said California! Different universe there.


You won't get an argument from me.

It could be in the fair housing standards too or the HUD requirements. But unless they get a complaint, the DOJ is not going to come out and enforce it. I don't think that someone here came up with that all on their own, but you never know.:)
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