The current will be lower but the percentage of voltage flowing across the body will be higher.
In my example of a 100 watt load which is 144 ohms with a body resistance of 100,000 ohms you will drop 99.9% of the voltage across the body and only .1% across the load, but total current will only be 1.1ma so I don't think this is a realistic value since we know that the current should be much higher if your placing 120 volts across a body, I would say 5k ohms in more closer to the norm.
120 volts can easily cause 20ma's of current to flow across the heart, which is about 6k ohms just in that path but we also must consider that the body will also have parallel paths around and away from the heart which will mean that the total resistance will be much lower to get 20ma's of current across the heart which is considered the level that causes the heart to go in to fibrillation, so 1k ohms is not too out of line, I have measured 500 ohms from fingertip to finger tip at a time when I was wet and sweaty, but add internal high moisture from sickness or fever and I think it could be even lower, of course dehydration can go the other way.