Is it possible for me to be an electrician?

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I'm 22 years old and thinking about going to trade school. The issue is that I have a misdemeanor charge that I didn't get convicted for and I got it expunged. Is it possible for me to still be an electrician?

Some localities (local employers) would hand you a pair of Kleins, a side cutter and a screwdriver and call yourself electrician. These guys don't even carry a Wiggie (tester). The way they test for a live wire is touch a wire to ground to see sparks fly. . . yeah it is hot all right.
I mentioned Kleins (favorite pliers) for seasoned electricians. It somehow imparts your seriousness to be a part of the crowd.
Jesting aside, if this (mistake) were expunged, you did not do anything wrong. . . and you don't have to mention it. Our laws do have compassion for people like you. . . and you learned from your mistake I hope.
Some government officials had done time and still got re-elected.
No problem. Look at my screen name. I was charged with three felonies and 4 misdemeanors for a hollowed prank with home made fireworks, convicted of one of each. And those referral services (that you probably don't want to be involved with anyway) that say they do back round checks? Well they passed me with flying colors....:angel:

I have three licences. Some of them ask the F question in the application. Nothing further ever came of it
I'm 22 years old and thinking about going to trade school. The issue is that I have a misdemeanor charge that I didn't get convicted for and I got it expunged. Is it possible for me to still be an electrician?

If it was truly expunged it's more or less like it didn't happen although at least some of the records are still going to be around. Since you were not convicted it's not going to make a whole lot of difference for the vast majority of jobs. I think there might be some record of it kept that might be available to some governmental entities but it's not going to be available under normal record checks.
I'm 22 years old and thinking about going to trade school. The issue is that I have a misdemeanor charge that I didn't get convicted for and I got it expunged. Is it possible for me to still be an electrician?


I think that in most cases its going to depend on what the charge was for. Generally speaking for most areas it tends to go this way.....

Felony theft ( esp. repeated)- likely a non starter- prospective employers look at it like if you did it to someone else, then you can do it to them.

One time Misdemeanor theft- nobodys gonna care about the time you got nailed when you boosted from Walmart in 2005....

Aggravated assault (Felony)- no biggie-(unless the the dude you worked over was a former employer who fired you. :D)

Simple assault (Misdemeanor)- nobodys gonna care that you slugged some moron and spent a few hours in jail.

DWI/DUI-One or 2 old ones (more than a couple of years have passed) is ok, anything more/more recent, than that can be problematic.

Up to a couple misdemeanors or low level felonies for a little dope that happened years back- just like the other stuff above, it boils down to this-As long as you can show that you are/have been keeping your act together- you come off as mature, you pass the pee test, it happened a more than a while ago, you'll be fine with most. Besides whatever the case was, you were expunged- thats good enough for a lot of prospective employers.
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But even if you weren't expunged I think that in most cases its going to depend on what the charge was for in order for job prospects to be impacted negatively. Generally speaking for most areas it tends to go this way.....

Felony theft ( esp. repeated)- likely a non starter- prospective employers look at it like if you did it to someone else, then you can do it to them.

One time Misdemeanor theft- nobodys gonna care about the time you got nailed when you boosted from Walmart in 2005....

Aggravated assault (Felony)- no biggie-(unless the the dude you worked over was a former employer who fired you. :D)

Simple assault (Misdemeanor)- nobodys gonna care that you slugged some moron and spent a few hours in jail.

DWI/DUI-One or 2 old ones (more than a couple of years have passed) is ok, anything more/more recent, than that can be problematic.

Up to a couple misdemeanors or low level felonies for a little dope that happened years back- just like the other stuff above, it boils down to this-As long as you can show that you are/have been keeping your act together- you come off as mature, you pass the pee test, it happened a more than a while ago, you'll be fine with most. Besides whatever the case was, you were expunged- thats good enough for a lot of prospective employers-you shouldn't even mention it.

Clarified my post from earlier- added parts in bold
My son has a high school friend who from when he was 17-18 (he is about 28 now) will forever be on registered sex offender registry for what in my day would have been considered a prank. Don't want to go into details - it wasn't really that offensive of a thing - she should have just slapped his hand and said to never do that again, he was overall a pretty decent kid.
It appears the consensus is that you should not have any real trouble getting a job in the electrician field unless you insist on installing receptacles with the ground pin down.
The only time a prison record really hurts a person if if they need a security clearance to work on a job.[/QUOTE]
actually, a prison record doesn't hurt all that much for a security clearance, they are more interested in forthrightness and the nature of the offence. character
The only time a prison record really hurts a person if if they need a security clearance to work on a job.
actually, a prison record doesn't hurt all that much for a security clearance, they are more interested in forthrightness and the nature of the offence. character[/QUOTE]

And it can make a difference if the crime happened last year vs 25 years ago but you have a clean record ever since.
The only time a prison record really hurts a person if if they need a security clearance to work on a job.

In a related story...

I met a guy a few years ago who had just been convicted on a federal cocaine rap and was sentenced to serve time in a minimum security federal penitentiary. He was out on his own recognizance but scheduled to report to the pen in a few days. He looked at it as a networking opportunity; he had a list of guys he wanted to meet in the joint who were already incarcerated there. His advice was that if you are going to go down on a drug charge make sure it is for trafficking across state lines or something else that would make it a federal case because you get treated a lot better by the feds than you would by a local constabulary.

I thanked him for his advice and decided to stay as far away from him as possible.
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