Is it Single or Two Phase?

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The neutral is an accepted reference point in a 3-ph wye. Why should it not be the reference point in a 3-wire 1-ph service? You can look at it any way you wish, but the classic way of analyzing such a system is to define the voltages on L1 and L2 relative to the neutral. Then V1n is the inverse of V2n, that is 180 degrees apart. It is illogical to say that is not true.

Furthermore, the currents in a balanced 1-ph system are indeed 180 degrees apart. They have to be 180 degrees apart for them to cancel. No sleight of hand here. What you see is what you get.

Also, in network analysis, one is free to define loop currents either CW or CCW. It all comes out right in the end though.
My main point on the so-called "equivalence" of reversing polarity and phase shifting 180 degrees. I know we've all been told that if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck, it must be a duck. Well, I hate to tell you, but it's not a duck.

If the waveform was not a symmetrical waveform, we wouldn't be having this discussion. If it was DC, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Frankly, while in this instance, reversing polarity "looks like" adding a phase, a reversal of polarity should never be referred to as a phase change. It is a bad habit to get into, and bad habits around electricity are especially so.

The 2 currents in a 3-wire circuit have to flow in the same direction (i.e. from X1->N and then from N->X2) otherwise we could not connect a parallel 2-wire circuit of X1->X2. I have never been able to draw a transformer circuit with current flowing from X1->N and X2->N and also in a parallel path of X1->X2.

Why can't the simple explanation just be "A 3-wire 120/240V system is (2) 120V 2-wire circuits connected in series almost like batteries in a flashlight".

Your equation,

"120 (0 deg) + 120 (120 deg) + 120 (240 deg) = 0. No subtracting, but still a zero net."

is apparently the sum of three-phase wye voltages which is zero just like the sum of three-phase delta voltages. No big deal.

Now, I challenge you to add two of these voltages to obtain the 208V line voltage and its phase angle. No cheating now!
jim dungar said:

Why can't the simple explanation just be "A 3-wire 120/240V system is (2) 120V 2-wire circuits connected in series almost like batteries in a flashlight".
I think it all started with the advent of DMM's and other digital measurement gear, which yield measurements in negative or reversed polarity. Analog meters generally weren't designed to do so regarding DC measurement. Yes, it was possible to design the meters for such, but that's a totally different matter... :D
jim dungar said:

The 2 currents in a 3-wire circuit have to flow in the same direction (i.e. from X1->N and then from N->X2) otherwise we could not connect a parallel 2-wire circuit of X1->X2. I have never been able to draw a transformer circuit with current flowing from X1->N and X2->N and also in a parallel path of X1->X2.

Why can't the simple explanation just be "A 3-wire 120/240V system is (2) 120V 2-wire circuits connected in series almost like batteries in a flashlight".

Jim, you can define the current flow any way you wish. But in applying Kirchoff's current law, it is convenient to define all currents flowing into or out of a node. However you do it though, the solution will be the same.

Your battery analogy is valid as a teaching tool, but for complex analyses involving different current phase lags in L1 and L2, phasor analysis is required.
bcorbin said:
My main point on the so-called "equivalence" of reversing polarity and phase shifting 180 degrees. I know we've all been told that if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck, it must be a duck. Well, I hate to tell you, but it's not a duck.

If the waveform was not a symmetrical waveform, we wouldn't be having this discussion. If it was DC, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Frankly, while in this instance, reversing polarity "looks like" adding a phase, a reversal of polarity should never be referred to as a phase change. It is a bad habit to get into, and bad habits around electricity are especially so.


We are not adding a phase, and you cannot deny that inverting a sinusoid shifts its phase by 180 degrees. This is pretty basic, and to say it is a bad habit is groundless.

Furthermore, you cannot ignore phase angles when working with phasors.

At least one of my detractors agrees that there is a 180 degree phase shift in the 3-wire system. So why fight it?
I can indeed deny that inverting a sinusoid is not the equivalent of a 180 degree phase shift. They are not equivalent. You only get away with that if your sinusoid is perfectly symmetrical, and then it's just appearances. Any harmonics whatsoever render that equivalence non-existent. That's where my point of a bad habit comes in. Just draw a picture of a sine wave with an added 2nd harmonic. You will see that the peak of the waveform is no longer mid-way between zero values. This waveform, when inverted, will look different from when it is shifted forward or backwards 180 degrees.

Furthermore, I did not say you can ignore phasors. I would never ignore phasors. One does that at his peril. And honestly, just because one of your detractors thinks there is a 180 degree phase shift doesn't make it right.

I'll repeat; it looks and acts exactly like a phase shift, but it isn't. It is a reversal of polarity. I'm only trying to get you to see the difference and why it matters.

We are assuming ideal sinusoids here, so harmonics have no bearing on this discussion.

You will have to provide a reference to prove that inverting a sinusoid is not tantamount to a 180 degree phase shift. My old profs never said that, and in several decades, I never heard that. If you can't provide a reference, then I must assume that this statement is only your personal opinion since you have not offered any supporting argument.

Go ahead, educate me.

Larry, anyone?

Will you answer my challenge and ADD two 120V wye phasors to obtain the 208V line voltage and its phase angle?
I started skimming, and then skipped a couple pages, and then I started really reading. And then I th--


With that, good night, and thanks for the sleep aid, Bob... :D
Well If you ever felt like you worked with something your whole life and still didn't know anthing; then this thread is for you. Here we have probably the most common voltage power arrangement in the U.S. and we can't even agree on what to call it. We have some of the smartest guys in the industry with years of experience and after nearly 200 posts, still no consensus.

I think its time to take a step back and acknowledge that it is both single phase and two phase. Also it really doesn't matter. Lets put the thread in that special place reserved for threads that drive us crazy. You know right next to the "does the ground pin go up or down" thread. And move on to more important topics like "Why I hate the AHJ" or "can I feed my fire pump with 12/2 romex".
sceepe said:
Well If you ever felt like you worked with something your whole life and still didn't know anthing; then this thread is for you. Here we have probably the most common voltage power arrangement in the U.S. and we can't even agree on what to call it. We have some of the smartest guys in the industry with years of experience and after nearly 200 posts, still no consensus.

I think its time to take a step back and acknowledge that it is both single phase and two phase. Also it really doesn't matter. Lets put the thread in that special place reserved for threads that drive us crazy. You know right next to the "does the ground pin go up or down" thread. And move on to more important topics like "Why I hate the AHJ" or "can I feed my fire pump with 12/2 romex".


I believe the consensus is that it is a single-phase system. We don't call it a two-phase system lest it be confused with a real two-phase system and because the second phase (call it L2) is derived from a center tapped transformer rather than being generated by the poco.

My argument is with those who claim you add phasors to obtain a voltage difference and with those who refuse to admit that -sin(wt) = sin(wt +/- 180).

I have issued friendly challenges to Larry and BC and am awaiting their responses. So let's keep it open another day or so.
rattus said:
I have issued friendly challenges to Larry and BC and am awaiting their responses. So let's keep it open another day or so.
Can you repeat the question? Are you asking how one adds 120 + 120 and obtains 208?
Holy Cow!!! What a thread!

Holy Cow!!! What a thread!

Man, this thread is going everywhere - and not stopping to take a break either!

It has covered the simple stuff in major detail, but inaccuracies are thrown in here and there.

Time For A Monkey Wrench To Be Tossed in!!!

(this may have been mentioned already, so if it has, I'm sorry for the redundancy!)
Example Secondary Configuration:

3? 4W Wye (3 Phase 4 Wire Wye) - 208Y/120V

3 Ungrounded Conductors - derived from Secondary Terminal Bushings "X1" of each 1 Phase 2 Wire Winding (terminals viewed as "X2" on left, "X1" on right).
Call these Lines "A", "B" and "C".
Common Grounded Conductor derived from tapping into the "Series Jumper" which bonds all 3 of the remaining "X2" terminal bushings together.
Call this "N"

[i[just setting things up for pseudo suspence![/i]

Am I completely out of my mind, if I was to refer to the following loads connections to be supplied by a Polyphase Circuit?:

Load = 12 Ohm Resistor, between Line "A" and "N",
Load = 12 Ohm Resistor, between Line "B" and "N",
Load = 20.8 Ohm Resistor, between Line "A" and Line "B"

Do I have a 3 Phase 3 Wire Circuit here???
Would this be considered an "Open Wye"?

Think this one through a bit before replying!

Personal thoughts:

2 Wire Circuits derived from Polyphase systems are simply 1 Phase 2 Wire Circuits.
No "180 degree Phase Displacement" taking place - regardless of what extraordinary tweeked methods are used to achieve a workable result
(isn't it strange how hard it is to make it work, with the 180 degree offset concept - as opposed to how it simply works out seeing no offset?).

If the 2 Wire Circuit was Line A and Line C from a 4 Wire Wye, there is still only a single phase situation going on. Only one Current is flowing through the load, driven from two windings in series.
Nothing is available to reference any type of offset, since there are only two wires involved.

Additionally, each Line to Common (Neutral) 2 wire circuit from the 4 Wire Wye is simply a 1 phase 2 wire circuit, with no offset.

Add that Common Grounded Conductor with 2 or all 3 Lines, and now there is a Polyphase arrangement.
In fact, 2 Ungrounded Conductors + the Common Grounded Conductor could drive the Primary of a 3 Phase Transformer, and result in a 3 Phase output on the Secondary.
This Transformer's Primary would need to be setup for 2 different input Voltages, but it would have a single voltage Secondary (unless connections are made to achieve dual voltages).

For a Delta 4 Wire setup, the Transformer with the Center Tap will be the same as a stand alone 1 phase 3 wire setup from a single Transformer.
This is true of both Open and Closed 4 Wire Deltas.
If the "High Leg" was introduced into a Multiwire Circuit (with the Center Tapped Neutral), the Currents may flow at different times, but these will still be 1 phase arrangements.
The normal setup for 3 wire circuitry would be a result of 2 Ungrounded Conductors derived from the outer terminal bushings of the center tapped secondary winding, and the system's grounded conductor being derived from the center tap of that Transformer's Winding.

Again, no "Phase Difference" will take place, because the currents all originate on a Single Winding.

As to a "Stand Alone" 1 Phase 3 Wire system, this may be derived from either a single Winding with a physical tap made to the mid point of the Secondary Winding, or it may be from the Series Adding configuration of 2 individual split coil Secondary Windings - with a tap made to the "Series Jumper" between the 2 windings.

If there was an offset of 180 degrees on the Secondary Winding, there would be no Voltage created - since the waves would cancel each other out.
No Voltage created, no Current can be "pushed" through loads - and the system is of no value.

The magnetic flow in the core cuts across the _ENTIRE WINDING_ in one direction, then reverses direction - resulting in a single phase Voltage and Current being created on the Secondary Winding.
It runs across the winding in the same direction each part of the cycle, so that in it's self would indicate no "phase offset".

The way a Center Tapped 240 Volt Winding creates a Voltage of 120 Volts at the Center Tap is because it is at a point where only 50% of the _TOTAL WINDING'S POTENTIAL_ is achieved - regardless if the reference is between the Left side of the coil and the center tap, or if the reference is between the Right side of the coil and the center tap.

Same goes for a multi tapped Secondary - typical of Audio Amplifiers (especially Tube Amps!!!).
No "phase offset" between any 2 taps, or the ends of the Winding.
I could have a Single Phase Winding with 7 taps across various points of the winding. Each tap point would have a Voltage between other tap points, or the ends of the coil, so therefore, loads could be connected to anything on this coil and a _SINGLE PHASE_ Current would flow in the loads.

As to a 2 Phase system, these Animals may be thought of as having "Two Individual Sets Of 1 Phase 2 Wire Terminations"
It's easier to invision this with a typical 2 Phase 4 Wire system - there are 2 "Sets" of "Phases" - "Phase 1" is a 2 Wire Single Phase circuit, and "Phase 2" is another 2 Wire Single Phase circuit.
2 Phase 5 Wire circuitry is done to create a 1 phase 3 Wire Multiwire circuit, for Lighting and Receptacle use. The "5th Wire" is a tap done to obtain a "Neutral Conductor" from one set of windings. This 5th Wire also becomes the System's Grounded Conductor - although, in theory (not per any code), any single system Conductor may be bonded to Earth + Metallic Equipment, and form the System's Grounded Conductor.
This is true of _ANY_ Grounded AC Power System.

Let the Fireworks begin!!!


p.s. there are a zillion Transformer Drawings at ECN's Technical Reference section - along with Motors.
You may find quite a few 1 Phase setups, along with 2 phase systems, 3 phase systems, 6 and 9 phase systems, plus 1 phase, 2 phase, 3 phase and 6 phase Motors.

Sorry for the "Mini Series Post", believe it or not, this is short, compared to what I was going to post :eek:
rattus said:
I believe the consensus is that it is a single-phase system. We don't call it a two-phase system lest it be confused with a real two-phase system and because the second phase (call it L2) is derived from a center tapped transformer rather than being generated by the poco.

Does anybody know if there is any place that the poco still provides two phase?
In the late 60's and early 70's we did a lot of change over from two phase to three phase in the Lancaster, Pa area. Wouldn't think there would be any left at this point in time. Not that it would mean anything in this debate. Just curious if anyone else worked with two phase.


LarryFine said:
Can you repeat the question? Are you asking how one adds 120 + 120 and obtains 208?

Yes, add any two 120V wye phasors and see what you get. For example, add 120V @ -30 to 120V @ -150. Show a little detail please.
Uh, Dave. . .

I get the impression you are expressing your opinion. . .could you document it please?

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