Is listening to a radio on a job site an OSHA violation?

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I agree If a person wants to listen to music,they should respect the people around them.By using a walkman.Not turning up the radio so loud that everyone has to hear it whether they want to or not.
I normally work in a residential setting, so normally a radio is right out. If I'm working on a remodel and by myself I have asked the customer if they mind my having a radio out. Most of the time they don't care, many are shocked when they come and check on my progress and find someone with a long goatee listening to big band music or something similar.

My biggest peeves with radios though are the multiple stations being played, mariachi music, and headphones. I absolutely hate headphones and have beaned people with wirenuts to get their attention.

I was working on a small hotel on the 3rd floor, and you could hear the drywallers mariachi music coming up from the basement. That lasted until lunch time. While everyone was at work, someone shot the radio with a ramset nail gun.
Ryan, welcome to the forum. :)

Most of the time they don't care, many are shocked when they come and check on my progress and find someone with a long goatee listening to big band music or something similar.
You should see the looks I get with the Austin Lounge Lizards. :D

My biggest peeves with radios though are the multiple stations being played, mariachi music, and headphones.
The only thing worse than mariachi are the DJs on those stations. I have turned off radios on the job before murdering the owners.

I absolutely hate headphones and have beaned people with wirenuts to get their attention.
I'm all for headphones. One in one ear, at a low volume, and one ear free. Maximum productivity without losing peripheral awareness. :)

While everyone was at work, someone shot the radio with a ramset nail gun.
That's messed up, but also very funny. :D
simple permanant solution

simple permanant solution

Its easy to turn off a annoying radio.
It is polite to ask at least three times ----THEN________

goto temp panel
isolate the circut that feeds the offending radio
covertly Remove all other loads-(drills, tools, lights, etc)
pull white wire from neutral bar, then quickly touch it to the opposing phase leg (provide 220v to the radio until it succumbs to the smoke theory)
reinstall white wire to neutral bar.
reconnect other loads.
play 'dumb' when radio's owner returns.
Ryan, welcome to the forum. :)

I'm all for headphones. One in one ear, at a low volume, and one ear free. Maximum productivity without losing peripheral awareness. :)

Thanks, and unfortunately most of the people I've worked with that wear headphones insist on wearing both of the stupid things. Sometimes loud enough to make out the lyrics from 10' away.
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