Is Main breaker panel and grounding required in separate Agricultrical building

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ok so he installs 3 15 amp breakers for conversation sake this is lower than his 70 amp feeder size, provided this is his calculated load. He would have to install a disconnect?
He could use a MWBC and handle ties to make it a one or two circuit installation. Correct or a main breaker.
Or he could just install a 15A-1P spare to get his total to 60A. It would be cheaper than providing a main disconnect, but more expensive than a handle tie.

This is one area of the Code where I just scratch my head in wonder. To be a fly on the wall during CMP discussions about this one...
I agree that this rule as well as similar rule for services could use a little clarification.

I think most AHJ's are fairly lenient if less then 60 amps worth of overcurrent devices are installed but is still easy to install more to get up to 60.

This same topic of discussion has also depicted a breaker enclosure with 100 amp bus space for only a single breaker and 100A or more supply conductor - yet a breaker of less then 100 amps being installed as meeting the requirements, or even a 100 amp fused switch with less then 100 amp fuses installed.
thanx for the information I had a discussion awhile back with someone about the ability to use 2/3&4 SER for 100 amp feeders which was similar in discussion in that whats the difference if its service or feeder. I stated should be larger since it was a feeder but anyway, Thanx again and be safe.
Also, according to ART. 547.5f; i'd need conductor in copper in either a separate equipment ground conductor either covered or insulated. Does this mean I'd need to use copper for the equipment ground and not the XHHW-2 aluminum conductor I'd run w/ the aluminum feeders?

Also, according to ART. 547.5f; i'd need conductor in copper in either a separate equipment ground conductor either covered or insulated. Does this mean I'd need to use copper for the equipment ground and not the XHHW-2 aluminum conductor I'd run w/ the aluminum feeders?


Which edition of NEC applies? I think 2014 is more clear what the intention likely was - only need apply to wiring methods underground and in the art 547 area.

2011 did mention in the 547 area but then mentioned underground leaving it questionable if a feeder that ends up supplying loads in the 547 area were supposed to be covered by this section as well.

Here is the 2014 section:

(F) Separate Equipment Grounding Conductor.
Where an equipment grounding conductor is installed underground within a location falling under the scope of Article 547, it shall be insulated or covered.

In fact it doesn't even specify copper anymore, so I'm assuming your initial question was based on earlier then the 2014 NEC.
Which edition of NEC applies? I think 2014 is more clear what the intention likely was - only need apply to wiring methods underground and in the art 547 area.

2011 did mention in the 547 area but then mentioned underground leaving it questionable if a feeder that ends up supplying loads in the 547 area were supposed to be covered by this section as well.

Here is the 2014 section:

(F) Separate Equipment Grounding Conductor.
Where an equipment grounding conductor is installed underground within a location falling under the scope of Article 547, it shall be insulated or covered.

In fact it doesn't even specify copper anymore, so I'm assuming your initial question was based on earlier then the 2014 NEC.

yep; i'm referring to the earlier code(08), and I've already installed copper grounding conductor w/ the 3-1/0 aluminum to be safe for inspection. Was this changed in the (11) edition? Probably could have kept the aluminum, but played safe.

yep; i'm referring to the earlier code(08), and I've already installed copper grounding conductor w/ the 3-1/0 aluminum to be safe for inspection. Was this changed in the (11) edition? Probably could have kept the aluminum, but played safe.

I did not look at 2008, but 2011 had no highlighted text indicating a change. There was change from 2011 to 2014.
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