Is remarking white THHN prohibited?

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Senior Member
Hampton, VA
Sr. Elec. Engr
Have an existing 120 v circuit to a fuel pump. Wiring is in raceways with the appropriate seals and explosion proof fittings. Fuel pump to be changed with a new pump at 208 v. Do I interpret NEC 200.7 correctly that the existing white THHN conductor cannot be reidentified as an ungrounded phase conductor so that the existing wiring can be reused at 208 v? Do the provisions allowing reidentification of the white conductor only apply to cables or flexible cords? What are my options if this is the case?
Your only option at this point is to replace the white wire with another color of wire (Not white or green).

Send it to me, I'll trade ya for black. I am always running out of white conductors, and find I have to make another useless side trip to supply house to get some to finnish the job....
OK. I'll say what's on the minds of many forum members:

1) Are you getting the work inspected?

2) Is cost a factor (will you lose the job to someone else).

The electricity doesn't know the color of the wire it's flowing through. As long as the white wire is clearly relabeled, is it really an issue?

Are you suggesting he cheats LOL.
I would if not inspected
a wierd solution allowing use of the existing conductors

a wierd solution allowing use of the existing conductors

The new pump is single phase 208V.

Add a 1:1 transformer in the circuit feeding the new pump and ground the secondary of that transformer.
I'm losing faith in the Code day by day. If this were a new instalation, yes, use the proper color. But seeing as how the old white wire is cemented in, then you are faced with removing and replacing the compound as well as replacing the wire. Maybe $50 or $100 bucks to satisfy some stupid technical rule [in this case] versus 5 cents worth of tape.
And, as is pointed out, the electricity doesn't care.
Many of these loop through to, so I'm assuming that the breaker you are replacing only feeds the one pump. You would also have to rewire the emergency shutoff switch since it is wired for 120v right now.

So your nto allowed to use white THHN then recode?

And am I right in thinking that you can recode "any other color" to "any other color" as long as it's not originally gray white or green?
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