Is this an NEC violation?

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Homeowner wants a light outside on a block and stucco wall but doesn't want to pay to have the box cut into the wall.

Can a pancake box be surface mounted and the fixture mounted on top of box leaving a 1/2" gap from fixture base to wall?

Would caulking to fill the gap be required to make it compliant?


Background: When doing new construction it's common to use a pancake box mounted on the outside block and then stucco around it to make the box flush. No special weather sealing is required as AFAIK. These boxes are not weatherproof.

you can cut a piece of plywood (as thick or thicker than your gap) the shape of the part of the fixture that sits on the wall(or some accent shape) but slightly larger (maybe 1/2"), cut a section in the middle of the plywood out for your box. paint the plywood edges that will show an accent color. mount the plywood, caulk at the top and side edges to the wall. depending on the fixture you might be able to make a gasket (i prefer gaskets instead of caulk when possible for removal of fixture) or else caulk it. or something similar with the block or medallion approach you mentioned. your back box just has to be in a dry location after your all said and done (fixture installed)
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