Is this correct

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You need 144KVA. That's 400A*208*sqrt3.

If you are providing anything less than 144KVA you are not meeting the contract.

The breaker size and wire size is inconsequential to the argument other than it has to carry at least 400A, and be sized properly.

It's usually better to deal in KVA for load sizing.
clients requested in their lease 400A 120/208v 3ph, 4w service for their facility. So you provide a 400A service. The question..... are they really getting 400A. Do they know that they are responsible for loading up their electrical needs to 80 percent of that breaker or fuse main. If the client was requesting 7 watts per sq. ft. and 400A met that and if their limited to 80 percent of the mains. Than actually they are getting 5.6 watt per sq.ft. Is that correct.
sq. footage is 20571'.

The problem is that the agents or the mis-inform think that someone thinks they need that much power per sq when they don't, your numbers respent a good answer to the sq space calc. It is in the high sky for office usuage, commerical or industrial would be totaly different.

Whether they want that much is contractal in your cause, only a true load calc. will show this.

You can also hit them with how green is your footprint, in respects to a proper load accounting. See first sentence.

Only the light/Sq Ft requirement is set per the space.
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