Is this even legal?

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Right here.
I don't do gas stations normally, but I had to take this picture today. Is this even legal? Sealoff above island, FS body with GFCI receptacle, then Carflex up to an ice machine. Dimensions might come into play here, I suppose, but it made me pause enough to take a picture. That is the pump island that it's right next to.

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Not sure about the legality of it, but by it's position in relation to the dogbone, I'd say it's original to the building. Especially considering the location of the ballards. So I'm sure it got inspected. My guess is after the plans were drawn up, the owner wanted the ice machine located there instead of up by the building (Why, I don't know....), so the electrician just did it this way.

I'd say it passed final inspection, if nothing else.
Well, we're talking about PA here. The fact that it passed inspection has no bearing on whether it was proper or not. I may well be okay, but it makes me scratch my head.
Yeah... PA is kinda strange. I've often wondered why food I buy in the grocery store here is regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

It's been several years since I did a Petrol Dispenser, so I'm kinda rusty on them....
what section do you see violated ? Unless we are within 18" of a dispenser, I can't spot the violation other than box support.
what section do you see violated ? Unless we are within 18" of a dispenser, I can't spot the violation other than box support.
I don't see any particular violation other than what you mentioned. I just don't know crap about gas stations, so when I see something out of the ordinary, I just have to ask. I vaguely remembered something about a 20 foot zone around the pump island.
I don't see any particular violation other than what you mentioned. I just don't know crap about gas stations, so when I see something out of the ordinary, I just have to ask. I vaguely remembered something about a 20 foot zone around the pump island.

20ft is C1D2, was it above 18 inches?
The box with devices is not permitted to be supported by one raceway.

If the seal-off is located above 18 inches the receptacle is acceptable in regards to the classified location.

I do not believe the ice machine, with its electrical portion above the 18 inches poses any threat.
Seems to me that since it was hard-wired and no longer a cord-and-plug connected appliance, it should have a disconnect nearby. It's probably not within sight of the BC OCPD. Also, the receptacle would need gfci protection as it's located in a public space.:smile:
I would think the receptacle would need to be explosion proof....what happens when the plug is put in or taken out and it arcs?? 501.12 maybe...
I would think the receptacle would need to be explosion proof....what happens when the plug is put in or taken out and it arcs?? 501.12 maybe...

Are you in the 2002 NEC? In the '05 this section was moved to 501.145 dealing with Class 1, divisions 1 & 2. When in Class 1 Division 2, receptacles would have to comply with 501.105(B)(6).Table 514.3(B)(1) Class 1 Locations lists an outdoor dispensing device as being Class 1 Division 2 at 18 inches and below and outwards for a distance of 20 feet. If this receptacle is above that area, it can not be classified as C1 D2.
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