Is this meter suitable for this application

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New User
I need to meter a meter the electricity used in a apartment and another building that comes from a central location, there are spots to put the meters that a meter box can be easily tied into the system but I was wondering if this meter([FONT=Helvetica neue, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif]Landis Gyr RXS4E Electric Meter 4W 3P Cl 20 8S/9S 60hz 1.8kh 120-480V) would work for both applications. My electrician said for the apartment it is a 120/208 volt 3 phase 4 wire and 100 amps, while the other building is pulling 300 amps, would this meter work for both buildings or not, what would you suggest that is cost effective to meter the building and apartment.[/FONT]
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