Isolated Computer Receptacles

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Ibarra said:
IEEE Emerald Book is a good and comprehensive resource of knowledge on these topics.
Very strange, I am a co-author of IEEE Emerald book, chapter 9. I don?t remember writing or hearing any recommendation for using IGR (isolated ground receptacle). In fact the exact opposite is recommended of using SGR (solid ground receptacles) on dedicated circuits, or using an isolation transformer with SGR.:-?
ghostbuster said:
A properly designed I.G. system can solve a multitude of problems,especially in high end audio/video studios.:)
Most high-end studios don't use IGR, they use balanced power systems or isolation transformers.
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You have to mount the equipment on approved "isolaters"!

DOES NOT work. In cases where I have seen some of the most elaborate isolating engineering you can think of, someone violates the isolation. Ground is ground and like water through a sieve, one metallic structure always seems to contact another somehow, somewhere.

I have seen way too many isolation scheme to describe and sooner or later someone blow's it.
One of the additional issues with isolated ground receptacles is if someone comes in at a later date to do repair or additional work. They generally tend to screw up the whole isolation of the equipment/system.

2nd issue is when an IT guy or audio guy adds equipment to the system and electrically connects equipment from one EGC of circuit A and circuit B.

The safest way for any electrician to deal with isolated grounds is to stay home and watch reruns of the Giant's victory at this past Superbowl!!! :grin:
Isolated Computer Receptacles

I was told by Warren H Lewis the following about isolated systems.
The isolated ground system come about from the idea that the best way to control electrical noise was isolate the equipment grounding conductor at equipment, but it had to be connected grounding terminal at main bonding jumper at the service or system bonding at the transformer. By isolating the equipment grounding conductor at the equipment, any noise on building steel metal or non-current carrying metal would not be endued into the data system. Since the isolated ground is not connected at the equipment any circulating currents on the building steel raceways or conduits is not seen by the equipment or data system.
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