It has been years. Who is still here?


Senior Member
I havent been here in few years and wasnt very active for a few years before that. I learned so much from guys here and was just wondering how the site and posters have been. Here is a list of guys i used to always read the threads but cant remember them all. But thanks for all the help through the years. Hope everybody is well

Pierre Belarge
George Stoltz
Marc Shunk
Jim Dungar
Charlie B
Jim Walker
Pierre Belarge ---- Sometimes
George Stoltz ---- Sometimes
Iwire ---- Left the trade
Marc Shunk ---- Gone
Jim Dungar ---- Still here
Hurk ---- Gone
Charlie B ---- Still here
Jim Walker ---- Gone
ElectricmanScott ---- Gone
A sharp person on the utility side I recruited was Charlie Eldridge, of IP&L, but have not seen anything from him in a long time
I believe Charlie Eldridge is still active in Indiana. I see his name alot on code review comments for the adoption of a newer code. Remember, Indiana is still on the 2008 NEC.
I was here, then I wasn't, then I returned. I joined either late 1999 or early 2000.
I've met a few folks from this site, George, Texie, Dennis Alwon, ActionDave, (before he became a moderator), I think they are the famous ones.
Apologies if I missed anyone.

Ron, formerly known as rcarroll.