It's Friday... time for photos.... Fun! Fun! Fun!

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Those violations are nothing compared to what this guy does for a living.

My apologies if this was shown already

Dennis Alwon said:
Those violations are nothing compared to what this guy does for a living.

My apologies if this was shown already

I would take the extra hundred out of my own pocket and buy a spotting scopeand sit with #12 BACK ON THE BENCH.

This is what happens when a vacuum bottle fails on a 1970's vintage 21kV GE vacuum breaker. It was a hell of a fault, fed by two large 230-21kV transformers. Notice that it blew a head sized hole in the high voltage door, and blew it off on the control side. I was running faster than any olympian as soon as I heard the first tick once I opened the breaker, luckily I had a few seconds to run to safety before it failed.

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