JM to Apprentice ratio

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Dept of Labor BAT was 1:1 last I looked.

IBEW = Hank Snow I've been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota, Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota.......................:rolleyes:
Whether it is governmental ratios, contractual ratios, organizational ratios, or perhaps no ratios at all, what I have discovered is that electricians are pretty much electricians no matter where they are or who they are affiliated with. Some will be as good as they come, some will be not worth the trouble. Some will have good work ethics, some won't. Some will get good pay and nice benefits, some won't. Some constantly get fired or layed off, and some don't. Some will work for the same company for 30 years, some will work for 30 companies in 1 year. Some will get very good training, some won't. Some will get good pay and nice benefits, some won't. It's all just electric work. Some will have ratios, and some won't.
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