I'm sorry dude, but along with "being the hardest working man in the electrical trade" you are the poorest. Your boss has screwed you into happiness. It is nice of him though to let you pay the insurance on his truck. Every one likes a pat on the back some times but that doesn't pay the rent. I might be tired and I might be hungry but not at the same time.
While I would agree that it is strange to make him pay the ins, His boss is letting Him use the Boss's truck since he has no vehicle.:-? Maybe he should buy him a Bike.
Not sure what the pay scale is in Texas for his exp level. But BD wages are a must and Certified Payroll is required for that type of work. Not sure how he is getting around paying it.
To the OP I would say for a JW here 20-35+/Hr is the norm with a varying level of Benefits depending on the shop.