Journeyman's exam


Vancouver WA
hey guys so i got a my j- exam comming up in a few days, and i need solid advice about what material is best to focus while studying

I usually perform bad on tests, this time i feel more confident on passing the oregon exam, but still got that thought in the back of my head that i wont pass due to my short term memory with not much focus available

maybe any suggestions what i should write out in the code book to help me pass first time around simce we legally can write whatever we want in the code book besides in class tests
Typically these exams are multiple choice, one mark per question and no deductions for wrong answers. If this is true, I suggest the following. 1 - Leave your pencil down and read through the questions quickly. 2 - Pick up your pencil and do the questions you know for sure. 2 - Now go back and do the ones that you know how to figure out - code questions, calculations etc. 3 - Now go back and work away at the hard ones. Time management is key. If you have, say three hours and 90 questions, that's 30 questions per hour, or 2 minutes per question. Spending 20 minutes on a tough question that is only worth one mark is suicide. Usually the proctor will announce the time remaining near the end of the time period. Make sure you at least guess at an answer for each question. A WAG - wild-assed guess might et a mark. No answer is a zero. Good luck.
Typically these exams are multiple choice, one mark per question and no deductions for wrong answers. If this is true, I suggest the following. 1 - Leave your pencil down and read through the questions quickly. 2 - Pick up your pencil and do the questions you know for sure. 2 - Now go back and do the ones that you know how to figure out - code questions, calculations etc. 3 - Now go back and work away at the hard ones. Time management is key. If you have, say three hours and 90 questions, that's 30 questions per hour, or 2 minutes per question. Spending 20 minutes on a tough question that is only worth one mark is suicide. Usually the proctor will announce the time remaining near the end of the time period. Make sure you at least guess at an answer for each question. A WAG - wild-assed guess might et a mark. No answer is a zero. Good luck.