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Rewire said:
We had a female EC in our area she and her husband ran the business with her as majority owner for WMB status she was crazy as a pet coon thought her husband was cheating with every woman he met tossed him out of their house and would not let him in the office got a restraining order because she said he was poisoning her she went missing for two weeks cops thought that maybe hubby did her in made his life a nitemare she turns up and says she just needed to get away for awhile her men had not been paid her customers were screaming and she acted like she had just been gone for the weekend

Forum story of the year????
mdshunk said:
I figured you'd be keeping your eye on this thread.

Peter D, forum's most eligible bachelor. ;)

LOL. :D :D

Now if only Bob can post that picture again of me seriously sleep derprived at 6 AM during a shutdown with a mouth full of food. The ladies won't be able to resist. :roll:
peter d said:
LOL. :D :D

Now if only Bob can post that picture again of me seriously sleep derprived at 6 AM during a shutdown with a mouth full of food. The ladies won't be able to resist. :roll:
I remember that one. A bag of snack food in your hand, as I remember. Somebody made the comment, to Bob, about "what kind of operation are you running there" and Bob replied "one that I'm proud to be a part of". That might jog your memory if you're searching for the thread.


I'd like to see that pic, sounds like a good moment. Let me guess,.....Bob snapped it and caught you off guard:grin:
Don't you love those moments!!!!!
mdshunk said:
I remember that one. A bag of snack food in your hand, as I remember. Somebody made the comment, to Bob, about "what kind of operation are you running there" and Bob replied "one that I'm proud to be a part of". That might jog your memory if you're searching for the thread.

I think Bob took the thread down.

That picture was at the end of VERY long night, and when he pointed the camera at me that's pretty much all I could think of doing.
Also, I have to add to Don's comment. I think the right female for the job is equal to the right man for the job, but to add to Don's thought,..... I have to agree, I worked with one female who just got out of college for electrical construction. She would sit at a bench all day and wire control panels. She was cute, and she definetly took away from the time on the floor for most of the guys, and time for herself working on the panels;)
HaskinsElectric said:
There are very few women in the Electrical field. The reason for this is not discriminatory hiring practices. The reason is the electrical work is hard work and women avoid occupations involving hard work. This is why there are so few women coal miners.

Did you do a survey or is this just your opinion? :grin:
The biggest reason why women may avoid "physical" occupations is that women and men are different physiologically (??) Men are built with upper body strength, women are not. Women tend to be shorter and smaller than men as well. That puts women at a disadvantage for a fair amount of the electrical tasks, but not at a total disadvantage.
peter d said:
The biggest reason why women may avoid "physical" occupations is that women and men are different physiologically (??) Men are built with upper body strength, women are not. Women tend to be shorter and smaller than men as well. That puts women at a disadvantage for a fair amount of the electrical tasks, but not at a total disadvantage.

You think you can take her? ;) :grin:
I'm actually glad that there's not too many women in this trade. It's bad enough that we sometimes, as men, have to delve into the possible intent of a certain code section. Throw women into the mix, and they'll want to talk about their "feelings" on the matter too.
peter d said:
The biggest reason why women may avoid "physical" occupations is that women and men are different physiologically (??) Men are built with upper body strength, women are not. Women tend to be shorter and smaller than men as well. That puts women at a disadvantage for a fair amount of the electrical tasks, but not at a total disadvantage.

Put a man and a woman in front of a judge and you tell me who has more power. I personally have had the CRAP beaten out of me:D
mdshunk said:
I'm actually glad that there's not too many women in this trade. It's bad enough that we sometimes, as men, have to delve into the possible intent of a certain code section. Throw women into the mix, and they'll want to talk about their "feelings" on the matter too.

Oh, I think we throw our "feelings" into these discussion a lot more than we're willing to admit! :D :D
I know of a few women electrical business "owners", and I put that in quotes for a reason. It lets their husbands run a woman owned company. The one's that I'm familiar with are basically the office managers in practice. I was once approached by a vet to be a qualifying vet owner for me, and he only wanted a commission. How generous.
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