It's been a while and I forgot. How do I size a junction box.
Not for pulls, but for conductor fill of 4awg and larger.
I'm basically going to be splicing two 4-3 ser cables and will do it in a 6" box but I'd like to know the correct calculation again.
Box cubed.
Table 5 = inches squared?
312.8 ?? 75% ? (although it doesn't seem like a cross section. I would think cross section would be in a through or panel gutter, ?? wasn't that 20%)
Thank you.
Not for pulls, but for conductor fill of 4awg and larger.
I'm basically going to be splicing two 4-3 ser cables and will do it in a 6" box but I'd like to know the correct calculation again.
Box cubed.
Table 5 = inches squared?
312.8 ?? 75% ? (although it doesn't seem like a cross section. I would think cross section would be in a through or panel gutter, ?? wasn't that 20%)
Thank you.