Junior college

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sparky 134

Senior Member
Joliet, IL
So I decide to learn about PLC's. The local junior college has three classes but the beginning class was full so I talked with the instructor and he agreed to let me in.

I then called the billing department to pay for my class. The lady said, "That will be $420.00."

I asked, "What is the rate per credit hour ?"

"$64.00 plus a $60.00 lab fee."

"Well, $64.00 multiplied by four plus the lab fee equals $316.00. What is the other $104.00 for ?"

"Some of the money is for building maintenance, extra curricular clubs, equipment replacement, student service fee, etc."

"I have a very hard time paying 1/3 of the cost of the class in fees. This is outrageous in my opinion."

"Well, since the referendum didn't pass the school had to raise their fees. I can transfer your call to the business department and you can voice your objections but they will tell you the cost of the class will be $420.00"

I asked her to transfer my call to the vice president of the business department but his secretary only took my name and said she would have him return my call. Not surprising I didnt' hear from him.

It's bad enough a portion of my property tax bill goes to the college but $104.00 in fees on top of the costs of the class is too much for me to swallow.
1. $420.00 cheap at twice the price.
2. User fees, someone should pay for these services this extra cost takes the burden of those that will never attend this college.
3. Why would he call you back, who really wants to place a call where all you are going to do is get a butt chewing.
I would take the class regardless of the price difference. What's 104 bucks to the information you will get out of it. You almost sound like one of my customers when they complain about a bill. "175 for a recessed light? there only 20$ at home depot!" The knowledge you will get out of it will allow you to make more money. Dont think in the short term.
Here you get a pass to get into a class that you seem to have some interest in and want to complain.

Well is just goes to show ya, that it takes all types... :mad:

PS. So are you registered too? Don't get a failing grade, you'll be really sick ...
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