Jurneyman Pay

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I am in the Air Force at the present time and will be getting out on June 18. I am a Avianics ElectronicTech, also I have been a Journeyman in Nebraska for adout a year now, and will be getting into the electrical field full time after leaving the A.F. I have been working for a small 6 man electrical shop for about the last four years part time. Is there anyone that could tell me the average pay rate for someone like my self.
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Good to hear an AF guy is going to be in the field. What was your AFSC? think about getting into a shop that does Industrial work and PLC programing I would think an Avionics guy would like that work, I do. I was a 455x0A/B but that probably means nothing today.

I am a 2A7X3B, also known in the past as GaC (Aircraft Guidence and Control Craftsman), I have spoke to the local I.B.E.W (local 22), and will be puting in a application around April when I start my terminal leave. I talked to them about doing the Inside Wireman appreticeship program. But was wondering for the mean time what the average nonunion Journeyman are making for residental.

What bases have you been stationed at. I am at Offutt A.F.B
There are often positions in industry that don't require licensing. They often involve working with production and test equipment where your experience could be immediately valuable.

I worked many years on Air Force contracts and we had a lot of work building equipment for both internal production and for the Air Force to use for testing. All of that equipment required maintenance and testing.

If you are qualified to do the work, the pay is sometimes better than you can get as an apprentice.

just retinking it and they changed my AFSC from 455x0A/B to 2A1x1 i think before I got out. anyway I worked Tactical and stratigic recon airframes and LASER and FLIR systems and was stationed in many places, Lowry AFB CO, Shaw AFB SC, TaeGu AB in Korea, George AFB CA,Osan AB Korea, Charleston AFB SC. Many TDY's to many other places and was in 9 years 3 month 27 days 13 hours. Why are you taking terminal leave? finish up your time and sell your leave back, and do a DITY move. What airframes did you work on? I don't know what union wages are, here in Indy non union shops very by the owner and how much you show you can produce for them. I have a small shop just me and 2 guys.
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I work on a the E-4b, (NAOC) National Airborn Command Center. The E4 is a 747-200 series airfram. The reason I am taking my leave is becuse the prosses of getting in to the union will take a few weeks and will need that time dedicated getting into the union, and leave will allow me to work full time for the electrical shop.

Also does anyone know if you can use the montgomery G.I. Bill in a Apprenticeship program to compensate income.
bikeindy said:
... Why are you taking terminal leave? finish up your time and sell your leave back ...
Starting a new job while on terminal leave is the SOP and is generally advantageous financially.

When you sell leave back, you only receive your base pay; while on terminal leave, you receive base and any special pay, plus all the non-taxable allowances.

[edit to add] You have full health care while on terminal leave too.
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NoVA Comms Power said:
Starting a new job while on terminal leave is the SOP and is generally advantageous financially.

When you sell leave back, you only receive your base pay; while on terminal leave, you receive base and any special pay, plus all the non-taxable allowances.

[edit to add] You have full health care while on terminal leave too.

Yeah I know the advantages, if you sell back your leave after fulfilling your committment you get added base pay since your last day of terminal leave is the last day of your committment it shorts you on that little extra you can get, and if you do a dity move you make some more, when I got out I had 30 days leave and sold it back giving me 30 days base pay, BAQ BAS and VHA don't amount to as much as you can make in a DITY move so it also is advantagous.

You don't really think you have full heath care in the military do you? that is a funny thought.
steveva said:
I am in the Air Force at the present time and will be getting out on June 18. I am a Avianics ElectronicTech, also I have been a Journeyman in Nebraska for adout a year now, and will be getting into the electrical field full time after leaving the A.F. I have been working for a small 6 man electrical shop for about the last four years part time. Is there anyone that could tell me the average pay rate for someone like my self.

You might find some info here:


Thanks that was a good place to find what I was looking for. I used to live in bellville N.J., and worked for Weinberg Electric in Elizabeth are you familier with that area.

steveva said:

I work on a the E-4b, (NAOC) National Airborn Command Center. The E4 is a 747-200 series airfram. The reason I am taking my leave is becuse the prosses of getting in to the union will take a few weeks and will need that time dedicated getting into the union, and leave will allow me to work full time for the electrical shop.

Also does anyone know if you can use the montgomery G.I. Bill in a Apprenticeship program to compensate income.

You should speak to the training director at the local's JATC and ask about their app/test/interview schedule. They may allow you to start the process now considering you are getting out soon. I recommend this because it can be a lengthy process, sometimes lasting a few months. Study up for the test. It's easy if you go in prepared - the training director can help you with this.

Yes - you can use the GI Bill. If you are in the union's program, where your school is paid for you or by scholarship, you get it. There's a guy in my class who gets $500 a month. Extra. That's a big help when you are a 1st year. It will also cover most non-union programs although you will want to check first with VA and the school.
Welcome to the group

Welcome to the group

Welcome Steve, always good to see another "zoomie" in the trade. I spent 5 years stationed at Offutt in Bldg 500. Is the rendering plant west of the base still there? LOL. I was an 811X0 at the time, wife decided it was time to get out after I came back from a 9 month trip back in '91. Good luck in your endeavors.

Pay Scale

Pay Scale

Maybe go online and check-out the want ads in a local newspaper or call a junior college in that area and ask the employment office (some electrical contractors will post ads at colleges that offer electrical courses).
Steve- My apprenticeship was paid for by the Companies I worked for at the time thru ABC(Associated Builders and Contractors). Let someone else pay your way and save the bill for true college type classes that we all should have taken and never got around to! Oh yeah- don't work too hard
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