Just Love Them Leviton Switches

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Senior Member
Went to repair a problem with a lighting outlet today. It's a job that was done about seven monthes ago.

Failed Leviton single pole switch. :mad:

This sort of thing can be interpreted as a reflextion of a persons work quality.

This not only costs me money but can also make me look bad. I'm very not happy.

peter d

Senior Member
New England
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Yup, they're junk, no question about it. I've stopped using Leviton stuff until I notice an increase in quality.

I just read in the newspaper that they are closing their plant in Warwick, RI with about 160 jobs lost. Apparently, the production will be shifted to other domestic plants because relocating them overseas would be too expensive. That one I don't get. :confused:

Apparently, Leviton's residential device business is down 12%.


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

I'm still suffering from newly aquired Leviton casualties.

They are completely out of the picture for me anymore.

I'll only install them as provided materials, inform everybody involved of my experiences with them and except no responsibility for their ability to do anything.

For now I'll keep that to the switches, but I might just stop using Leviton period.

This sort of thing is bad for business.


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Originally posted by peter d:
Apparently, Leviton's residential device business is down 12%
I went back to P&S switches...so make that down 13% !!!

I would have more respect for Leviton if they just discontinued making them all together.
(If they are financially unable to compete with the competition & still produce a quality switch)
But to Drastically lower their quality standards???
That's just pathetic.

I'm actually ashamed to use them.

Maybe if they stop concentrating on all the lame "Multimedia Distribution Panel Garbage"!

(Glorified Junction boxes with overpriced Cable Splitters mounted inside!) (Splitters sold separately!) Ooops, did I say splitter, I meant Video Distribution Module! :p


Senior Member
Snohomish, WA
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Maybe I've missed it, but when did Leviton quality start to drop? I have always figured their commercial grade devices as high quality. However, I don't use them much, as we use Hubbell devices for most of our work.


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Paul, I'm talking about Leviton's 15Amp Residential grade 5600 series decora style switches.
Leviton has made some seriously poor design changes in the construction of these switches. I'm not positive when they changed but it must have been in the last few years. Before that I never had any problems, but as recently as 3 months ago I began using them again and they are not the same. The slightest bit of tork on the terminal screws, or any tension on the yoke from either the screws holding them to the boxes OR the plate screws, makes the inner contacts inoperable.
If you don't actually hook wires up to them they still work fine! :roll:

I've emailed Leviton already and I am still waiting for a reply.



Senior Member
Snohomish, WA
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Originally posted by davedottcom:
Paul, I'm talking about Leviton's 15Amp Residential grade 5600 series decora style switches.
Leviton has made some seriously poor design changes in the construction of these switches. I'm not positive when they changed but it must have been in the last few years. Before that I never had any problems, but as recently as 3 months ago I began using them again and they are not the same. The slightest bit of tork on the terminal screws, or any tension on the yoke from either the screws holding them to the boxes OR the plate screws, makes the inner contacts inoperable.
If you don't actually hook wires up to them they still work fine! :roll:

I've emailed Leviton already and I am still waiting for a reply.

That's not good. It sounds as though they are heading the same route as Eagle. Thanks for the headsup.


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

So you did e-mail them that other thread Dave?

I should be posting the product no.s if I'm gonna be rippin these guys like I am. I'll see if I can dig 'em up later.


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Maybe if they stop concentrating on all the lame "Multimedia Distribution Panel Garbage"!

(Glorified Junction boxes with overpriced Cable Splitters mounted inside!) (Splitters sold separately!) Ooops, did I say splitter, I meant Video Distribution Module!

All right...now I sound like "The Grumpy Old Man" from SNL...

No, now you sound like me!



Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

We have several builders that spec only leviton devices,great here come the call backs :D


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

I'm gonna charge everybody chargable from now on. Cause I won't guarranty provided materials and if they're not provided, I wont use them anymore!

I'm not trying to make living this way though.


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Sam, I didn't send the posts. I was kind of hesitant to do so without everyone's "Expressed Written Consent"!!! Lol.
I just sent this short email to their "contact us" email address from their website.

Leviton, I used to associate the name "Leviton" with high quality. Your
latest decora switches (5600) are pathetic. They should not even have a UL
listing on them. I'm sure you know about the problems that I'm referring
to, BUT incase this has somehow eluded you and you would like me to explain
the problems with the new design in detail, feel free to submit a request
and I'll gladly give you many examples. I, along with most other Elec.
Contractors that I've spoken to lately have all decided to stop buying your
switch devices until the quality we all expect from your devices returns. I
would have more respect for Leviton if they simply discontinued the 5600
line instead of producing such a poor design. Someone in your Company has
obviously made some poor decisions, I understand, mistakes happen. But now
you need to do the right thing...make the necessary changes to restore the
quality associated with the name "Leviton". I look forward to returning to
using your devices but will not until the problems have been corrected.

I sent it last week...still waiting for a reply.
I know, it was kind of rude, but this has me seriously pissed off....that's MY story and I'm sticking to it!



Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

I don't even usually bother anymore because these corporations have "marketing experts" who know everything there is to know about peddling garbage. This isn't a mistake or an accident. It's the "new" American way!


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

How come no UL buffs have commented on these things packing an approval? Hmm.?


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

About 2 years ago we had the same problem with P & S 3 ways,In this case under the screw worked fine back stabbed maybe 1/2 worked,all the anti stabbing folks HOLD ON !!!!Production homes are quite different then high end homes or lets say commercial sites.You take it for granted that if listed as a stabbed device it should operate the same as a screw terminal device :( I was wrong they work fine,now the respected high end leviton device is the bottom of the barrel.
These two have different white tones don`t mix them together.On trim they look fine turn power on 2 different shades of white when lights come on :D I like the new trade masters because you don`t have to wrap the terminal there is a double knurled like a SD D breaker set screw terminal strip insert, tighten and go on.
We now stock lutron decora side dimmers that state a Sp or a 3 way , I had to laugh .Sure maybe UL didn`t list the 3 ways as SP but now they market them as a marvel to the trade still have to cap off a traveller to make it a SP,did this in a pinch many times over the years and now they market the gerry rigging idea :confused:


Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Be nice to U.L. they make money on stickers. They also keep CPSC busy with recalls. If anyone thinks a U.L. label means integrity "HELLO"


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

I just want to know if it means anything at all.

These switches tend to work if you back off of the terminal screw leaving the conductor loose. I can't imagine that causing arcing. And yet there it is:


peter d

Senior Member
New England
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Originally posted by physis:
I just want to know if it means anything at all.

These switches tend to work if you back off of the terminal screw leaving the conductor loose. I can't imagine that causing arcing. And yet there it is:

Sam, I'm not really understanding where you're coming from on this. :confused:

The UL listing ensures minimum safety standards. If the handle was snapping off and exposing live parts, then I can see how the UL listing argument comes into play.

I don't think the UL lising prevents a product from being cheap and having a high failure rate.

At any rate, I agree with you about Leviton residential products. They are awful, and I'm not buying them anymore.


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Maybe you didn't see where I pointed out how leaving loose terminal connections that might lead to arcing will make the device work again.

Of course I'm being sarcastic but I can't imagine that being a safety concern.

And if UL will accept that and by doing so santion it, then what's the point? What good is UL?

I think cheap and unsafe.

Edit: I'll get it right the second or third time.

[ April 27, 2005, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Senior Member
Re: Just Love Them Leviton Switches

Leviton makes 3 grades of light switches so you have to be careful of what you are comparing.

One of the grades are the 69 cent receptacles and 79 cent switches. These are junk in part because the use cheap steel terminals and so forth. The middle ( commercial grade ) and industrial grade devices are a LOT better.
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