kiddie proof

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Senior Member
Does anyone know of a kid proof switch? By kid proof I mean one that a small child can't turn on, but an adult can.
My nine year old can program my cell phone, send text messages on his DSI, operate a computer to get to his favorite sites, download pictures from a digital camera, program the satelite receiver, and I would guess this is considered normal for a nine year old.

Isolation by height isn't going to work - I've seen three year olds drag over a chair to get on the counter

Keyswitch was brought up.

X-10 radio controller (keep the fob in your pocket)
Keypad (will only work until they see you do it one time)
Voice activated
Thumb print scanner
Retinal Scanner

Likely any casually dedicated teenager could get by these if they thought you were hiding something interesting.

Yeah, we have one in our house. It is a standard toggle mounted about 6 feet AFF. Don't ask me why, that's where it was when we bought the house. And it works, everyone that should be able to operate it can and those who shouldn't can't. Until they figure out how to drag a chair in to their room:D.
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