Kitchen Backplash

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Re: Kitchen Backplash

(5) Receptacle Outlet Location. Receptacle outlets shall be located above, but not more than 500 mm (20 in.) above, the countertop. Receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by appliances fastened in place, appliance garages , or appliances occupying dedicated space shall not be considered as these required outlets ."

*the bold is mine.
Re: Kitchen Backplash

Thank you for making my point, Pierre. The receptacle in the appliance garage is not one of the "required outlets." I agree completely. I might as well, since the code language is clear enough here (for a change).

But that receptacle still supports one or more appliances that are on the countertop. So it still goes on an SA circuit.

So I call it "an SA receptacle that is there in addition to the 'required SA receptacles.' "

Re: Kitchen Backplash

the original poster was asking if he could put the small appliance recepticles up under the cabinets ,I have done this to clients and to my home,using plug mold. Install it on the wall butted up against the bottom of the cabinets making sure they are within 20 in. to top from countertop {someone please tell me why this is the code ,how is it a safety issue}and feed them with a GFI 20A
breaker .the top cab.s usually have a lip that hangs down and hides them from horizontal veiw ,and theres an outlet every 6 in.
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