I am sizing a new generator for a new building that has a commercial kitchen in it, it will be used similer to a resturant, what would be a fair diversity factor to use.
If its a kitchen for an emergancy situation the second thing to consider that additional parts of this building will
need additional lighting for seating and possible other lumantion requirements, bathroom/showers are a few that come to mind.
I only mention this because this exact sitution was handled by a friend that the job started out as just a kitchen
in a school for use as a shelter. The purposes was changed into the total school being 100% supported by generator(s) and additional aux. power supplies.
Here' how one contributing writer to the NFPA calls it out! Here
yes there will be lighting and other things on this generator the code 220.56 tells me i can use 65% but i was just wondering if anyone has experienced this to be to low or if this always seem to work.
This is a case of where a County noted the need and got the State involved and stated their situation. Our State has outlines for hurricane and disaster situations. The State asked for the 100% coverage turning it into a command post for both public services and POCO HQ as if required!
I don't know a those exact state laws or requirements to cover them here.
You can look at what the record is now, look at our State achieves on the matter! NC
In your case you need to go back to the client and ask the default question!
Are you sure this is all you need we can go 65% by code min. or 100%!
With 65% the owner might need to cycle some odd devices, you could change some
recetacles or even cover plates to know what Emer. vs non-Emer.