Kitchen Island Receptacle

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Don , just for understanding purposes .. would a two circuit cable feeding a duplex receptacle device with broken tabs satisfy or may be two Sillite type receptacle outlets side by side ?
In my opinion the receptacle outlet is the physical box that the receptacle is installed in. One box = one outlet, no matter what you put in the box.
Don , just for understanding purposes .. would a two circuit cable feeding a duplex receptacle device with broken tabs satisfy or may be two Sillite type receptacle outlets side by side ?

If the Island requires 2 I would assume you would have to install one one at each portion of the island or peninsula. @ receptacles together is not compliant IMO.

210.52(C)(2) Island and Peninsular Countertops and Work Surfaces.
Receptacle outlets shall be installed in accordance with 210.52(C)(2)(a) and (C)(2)(b).
  1. (a)
    At least one receptacle outlet shall be provided for the first 0.84 m2 (9 ft2), or fraction thereof, of the countertop or work surface. A receptacle outlet shall be provided for every additional 1.7 m2 (18 ft2), or fraction thereof, of the countertop or work surface.
  2. (b)
    At least one receptacle outlet shall be located within 600 mm (2 ft) of the outer end of a peninsular countertop or work surface. Additional required receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be located as determined by the installer, designer, or building owner. The location of the receptacle outlets shall be in accordance with 210.52(C)(3).

A peninsular countertop shall be measured from the connected perpendicular wall.
If the Island requires 2 I would assume you would have to install one one at each portion of the island or peninsula. @ receptacles together is not compliant IMO.
" Additional required receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be located as determined by the installer, designer"
I don't see the words that support prohibiting them in close proximity to each other .

I don't either but what would be the intent to add another receptacle right next to the existing one. It negates the need for the dimensions given. Two sillite recep. next to each other do nothing to cover the other end of the island. No question that the wording is poor and maybe I am incorrect in my assumption .

The part with the designer etc seems crazy if you have to follow 210.52(C).. I would bet most inspectors will make you add one on the other areas.
If the Island requires 2 I would assume you would have to install one one at each portion of the island or peninsula. @ receptacles together is not compliant IMO.
Other than having one of the receptacle outlets in the outer 2' of a peninsula there is are location requirements. On an island they can all be at a single location, but not in a single box.
Kitchen islands…ugh!
We just eyeball it now, and just ask inspector. Best way. Then again, asking the inspectors is how we have wired kitchen islands (must be close to 20 by now).
Romex 12/2, up through floor/cabinet base shelf, up the corner attached to corner with Nylon Cable Ties and Under Cab Screws (small wood screws so as not to break outer surface), every 6”, from hole to outlet box. We used to use PVC, but asked if we could skip it, and inspector said sure…none have asked us to change our system since (we do very pretty work with it).
Sorry, if anyone else isn’t able to “island receptacle” this way. We also explain to the customer what we are doing and carpenters.
The wire is safe from damage unless the Hulk shuts a drawer, or they are storing spiked clubs in their island cabinets.
Kitchen islands…ugh!
We just eyeball it now, and just ask inspector. Best way. Then again, asking the inspectors is how we have wired kitchen islands (must be close to 20 by now).
Romex 12/2, up through floor/cabinet base shelf, up the corner attached to corner with Nylon Cable Ties and Under Cab Screws (small wood screws so as not to break outer surface), every 6”, from hole to outlet box. We used to use PVC, but asked if we could skip it, and inspector said sure…none have asked us to change our system since (we do very pretty work with it).
Sorry, if anyone else isn’t able to “island receptacle” this way. We also explain to the customer what we are doing and carpenters.
The wire is safe from damage unless the Hulk shuts a drawer, or they are storing spiked clubs in their island cabinets.

Bare NM in the cabinet won’t fly here. It has to be sleeved.
In the past when top hangs over too far I have put receptacle face down in a surface mounted box on underside of counter top near the edge. Maybe a Wiremold box and if necessary short piece of Wiremold to sleeve the cable.

Isn't exactly something covered by code but still puts the receptacle where they seem to want it. Of course your inspector still needs to accept it.
Not sure of compliance but came across one island that had a drawer that was just for electrical. It had built into it 2 pair of duplexes and 2 switches for island overhead light, and 4 USB charging ports with cell caddies. Just pull open drawer for access and drawer front would fold down, I guess to close drawer with stuff plugged in. Owner said he bought the cabinet that way, houses power brought into a jbox in back wall of cabinet and a piece of flexible cord from it to the drawer. Must have been something more than just a normal cord because it must have had the lighting wire as well.
The rule does not call for receptacles, it calls for receptacle outlets. A duplex receptacle is installed at a single receptacle outlet.

In my area if an island is requiring two receptacles they allow a duplex receptacle as two receptacles which is nice I must say.

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