Kitchen islands…ugh!
We just eyeball it now, and just ask inspector. Best way. Then again, asking the inspectors is how we have wired kitchen islands (must be close to 20 by now).
Romex 12/2, up through floor/cabinet base shelf, up the corner attached to corner with Nylon Cable Ties and Under Cab Screws (small wood screws so as not to break outer surface), every 6”, from hole to outlet box. We used to use PVC, but asked if we could skip it, and inspector said sure…none have asked us to change our system since (we do very pretty work with it).
Sorry, if anyone else isn’t able to “island receptacle” this way. We also explain to the customer what we are doing and carpenters.
The wire is safe from damage unless the Hulk shuts a drawer, or they are storing spiked clubs in their island cabinets.