Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
- Location
- Henrico County, VA
- Occupation
- Electrical Contractor
Pierre, it's the opposite here in America.Left side the husband, right side the wife.
Pierre, it's the opposite here in America.Left side the husband, right side the wife.
I had a electrical inspector tell me today that the kitchen island required 2 gfci receptacles because it has a sink in it. I was always under the usumption that all you need in one gfci no matter what.
Is your gripe that two RECEPTACLEs are required, or two GFCI's? I think in many cases, you'll need two receptacles but it is possible you'd need only one. But I see no rule that says both small appliance circuits must go to the island. So install one GFCI and if a second receptacle is required protect it from the LOAD side of the first GFCI.
There is nothing like a "good ol' bit 'a' talkin' 'bout required kitchen island recepts[and throw in end of peninsula required now before someone else brings it up] to send me to my kitchen cabinet in search of the Pepto B......................
blink ,.. blink,... blink ,..,.. It is me ,I'm sure ,.but you can lead this horse to water ,.. but he still doesn't have a clue as to what that post is about
No, we have Suemarkp for that....,but you can call me a boy named Sue,eh?