knob and tube wireing + foam insulation

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I am a home owner working with a licensed electrician on a kitchen remodeling project. Our house is circa 1910 and has knob and tube wiring above a flat roofed back porch that is now part of our kitchen. The knob and tube wiring is strung below the roof decking. There are three 15A K&T circuits that are lightly loaded which control several outlets and lights throughout the house. We are not planning on adding anything to the K&T circuits... We are planning on insulating the underside of this roof with foam however, the NEC says that airflow must be maintained around K&T. (BTW, the K&T wiring is in great shape currently.) I am considering stapling up roofing felt or some other material around the K&T so that foam insulation may be applied to the underside of the roof while still providing air flow around the K&T wiring. Is this an appropriate solution? An alternative plan would be to back out the K&T wiring, apply the foam, and then re-run the wiring to the junction box but at a slightly lower height than the existing joists. This would not involve cutting or splicing wires in any way .... but would involve pulling all the ceramic tubes and insulators and re-doing this wiring in a way comparable to how it was originally.

Any thoughts/suggestions on an acceptable solution will be appreciated.
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