Up front - I am not an electrician - but I did plug my laptop in at a Holiday Inn once...
Thought to add a few more pics to this thread, since I am helping a friend install a new Leviton "EV" 14-50R, and have both a new and old one to photograph.
This thread has mentioned the new Leviton "WR" (water resistant) version, but wanted to say there is also an updated 14-50R-B0 (that's B-zero). I picked one up at a big box store for $39. So not crazy expensive, and miles away from the prices a few years back being charged for the Hubbell. And it has the little EV outline on the face! If you are locating the receptacle inside, this might save you a little over the WR version.
I agree with everything pointed out earlier with regards to the difference between this new 14-50R-B0 and Leviton's old standard #279 receptacle. The new one is deeper, heavier, has revised clamping for wires (with Allen screws), is marked for copper wire only, and the torque spec is 75 in-lbs, a big change from the old 25 in-lb on the old model. The new design is very similar to the Hubbell.
And they make a point of stressing that new torque requirement. To hold 75 in-lbs for at least 5 seconds, then torque them all a second time. So you have to suspect Leviton is worried that at least some of the problems seen in the field are from improperly tightened connections.
And as Retirede pointed out, I do NOT see any temp rating for wire terminations anywhere. Not on the device nor the instructions on the inside of the box. So presumably limited to 60C.
Lastly, as pointed out, the cover plate is bigger. I am using a 4&11 square box, and the RACO part# is 888 for that raised surface mount cover. My supply house does not stock this part, but had one next day from the warehouse. Again, as Retirede mentioned, not commonly used.