L.A. Hardhats show

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Senior Member
The coming Monday nights show is focused on the electrical crew.....
Should be interesting. We can all comment on Tuesday. Monday night at 10 on the National Geographic channel.
I love electrical work, but I don't think it is dramatic enough for TV.

Except for yesterday when a contractor installing a fence in front of gear drilled through a conduit into a 20A circuit and tripped the 100A panel feeder breaker AND the 2000A main! The owner was pulling his hair out saying, "Turn it on, there are people trapped in the elevator!" I explained that his emerg gen had already started and ATS switched...
OK I got it to work. It seems like portions of different episodes. Definately seems like a good show to watch. Too bad it isn't like some other stations that have full episodes of old shows online. My wife loves watching intervention for some reason but we cancelled the cable more than a year ago, so it works out perfectly to watch it online with her
Just finished the 1-hour episode. Using a Fox & Hound for short detection was surprising, since false negatives will occur in the presence of low-impedance faults. Don't believe this tool can replace Megger testing.

Moderator Edit:

Deleted two paragraphs.

Ramjet, leave your personal agenda home or on your own forum.
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It seems like a LOT of the tubing would get stepped on and kicked loose during the pour.


1. They pulled black and white #12 conductors into the smurf tube stubs. No EGC???

2. Was the MC feeder cable SOLID wire or was that some kind of protective end over the fresh end of the cable?

3. When they reuse the deck form panels, dont they have old layout markings on them?

4. Dont the nails from the boxes, stubbies and blue anchor things stick out thru the ceiling when the deck forms are stripped?
220/221 said:
Did they fold the ground wire under the connectors, outside the box????

Yes, they cut them about 2" long and folded them back.
They were using snap in connectors that snaped into the box with WAGO connectors.

They had one crew to pull the cable, another to strip and enter the boxes "The Stabbers" and one guy to make up the splices and test the circuits.

I didn't see one piece of EMT on the show. All MC including the feeders to each apartment.
What about no ground in the smurf??? They clearly pulled black and white. Are the boxes bonded to the steel or something?
They had to pull a ground somewhere. The reason I think they didn't show alot of the problems and fights between subs and so forth is because at this point they are just showing each sub or part of the whole project one at a time. Once everyone is introduced fully with their own episode the show will go back and start showing daily stuff. Thats my opinion anyway.
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