latest bid results - not getting better

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So the houses can sit empty until people can afford to buy them. Amazing.

Bob as a tax payer and citizen you can worry all day long about how the government is spending your money. You have a right and maybe even an obligation to do so.

Any contractor has to have different prioritites, the money is going to be spent no matter how you feel about it so the job of the contractor is to try and get their hands on as much of it as possible. The electrician working in the field has to make sure that the boss pays every cent required by law.

It doesn't change things one bit to be concerned about what's going to happen to these houses. The job exist and it's up to the contractor to try to figure out a way to make money on the project and it really looks as if that's going to be darned hard to do. It appears as if each house is going to go for $8,800.00 to include the lighting package plus materials and labor and that's just not much money at the end of the day.

Even without the prevailing wage there are just not that many houses you can wire and provide all materials for that amount of money.
not very big houses but still would take 2 guys 6-7 days rough to finish each house because of the specs. -ie- (everything in emt in the basement)


Back when I lived in the UK, the national sport for electricians was "house bashing". For a typical 3 bedroom tract house, one electrician would be given one day to rough and less than a day to finish. Flippin' hard work. Even with everything being in Romex equivalent. Keep up or walk...
i guess us americans are just lazy, slow, and over paid. I'd rather stay in bed than get less than 2 days to rough and trim out a house.

When I was in the UK this past year it didn't seem like the wiring was that great there and not nearly as much as we have have in the US. Most of it wasn't even inside the walls.
Has anyone given any thought that perhaps some may not hire the appropriate people to do the work and not pay the rate ,. yet receive it just the same there by making some of those low bids work?? It happens every day ,. a few are caught. On public jobs in Ma I'm pretty sure the award is to the lowest qualified bidder unless you can disqualify them,... I would bet this Co. was bottom 3 in each of those contracts
...Investigators from the Attorney General?s Fair Labor Division discovered that during

November 2001 through May 2005, Premier and Bissonette allegedly did not pay prevailing

wages to their employees on the following Massachusetts public works construction projects:

UMass Dartmouth Dormitory project, UMass Boston Campus Center project, Crisafulli

Elementary School project, Clinton Elementary School project, Normandin Middle School

project, UMass Lowell Campus Center project, Shirley Middle School project, Westford Middle

School project, Quinsigamond Community College project, Danvers Middle School project,

Lunenburg Primary School project and the Weymouth High School project.

Investigators also allege that Premier and Bissonette, in his capacity as corporate officer,

failed to submit true and accurate certified payroll records for the same projects, by failing to

accurately report the employees? occupational classifications.......
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