LB below

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:confused:I'm not sure if this was directed at me or not but I'm not going to take offense (unless you tell me that it was). ;) Until then, I'm going to assume you were talking about the actual installation.That just made me think of something else. Was the gasket used on the LB or did the installer glue the cover on. :confused: Would it matter ?

NOT NOT DIRECTED AT YOU it was a comment on the installer.

I reread it and I can see how you could think I was hitting at you.

And I thought about the gasket also. When the concrete works on the conductors then they are really set.
Pierre C BeLarge said:
I have seen installations where the EC was told the grade would be at X grade, and the final grade was much higher.
Pierre, I don't doubt that it happens but there has to be a remedy other than burying the fitting. If this trend catches on, before you know it they're going to start making extension collars for LB's in case you have to bury the fitting - at least you'll be able to open the cover.:D
I have seen installations where the EC was told the grade would be at X grade, and the final grade was much higher.

There was a picture of a meter enclosure buried below grade that was posted on this site some time back.

This one?

THANKS for any positive replys .To clearify I was told by someone higher then me, a fax reply from manufacture in their hands, and you(me) can not reject installation. I did not approve meaning that someone else will sign off. MY hope was that it just might be someone with similar experience and how it was handled. I have never seen a buried LB and will NEVER knowingly do that. I did not just say what can I do wrong today, I can read maybe not spell but do know what is written about this subject. THANKS AGAIN
This one?

I've seen situations like this (but not quite this ridiculous) where the POCO meter reader came by, reported the situation to the main office which, in turn, notified the HO to either have the meter relocated or have the power shut off. The meter reader is not required to jump down into a hole to read the meter. This electrical installation obviously had to have passed inspection before the HO decided to back-fill the property. The sad part about this photo is that the electrician is most likely not the one at fault but whoever decided to build the RR tie wall around the meter thinking it was OK is the culprit.
IMO, you could bury the LB in cement, but not the cover. It would still have to be removable. What if they used an FX box to turn the corner?? It's basically the same thing ,,,just because it's legal to embed an FX box, doesn't mean you can bury THE WHOLE THING, cover and all!! If you can't remove the cover, it's illegal. period.
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