learning technique for inspectors

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It just bothers me sometimes. We inspectors expect to be treated with respect and this will not happen if we don't treat the contractor with respect and realize that everytime we fail them it costs them time, money and sometimes thier customers good will. So if we require something from a contractor we must be able to justify it.
I will do that but, if he plays the "I am almighty you will do what I say" role, being nice is now just an option.
The second sentence of Section 90.4 is often cited as the basis for "I am almighty you will do what I say." That is a misinterpretation itself. It is a statement of responsibility - not a free grant of prerogative. An AHJ or its designated representative is responsible to know what they are doing. Unfortunately, especially in the ?time is money? scenario, it just seems more cost effective to acquiesce.
It just bothers me sometimes. We inspectors expect to be treated with respect and this will not happen if we don't treat the contractor with respect and realize that everytime we fail them it costs them time, money and sometimes thier customers good will. So if we require something from a contractor we must be able to justify it.

I like you, could you move down South?:thumbsup:
Most of inspectors are good guys and you can talk to them. But there is at least one that is a "not in my town will you do _________"! Most everyone just goes along with him even though he has nothing to back up his statements.
It just bothers me sometimes. We inspectors expect to be treated with respect and this will not happen if we don't treat the contractor with respect and realize that everytime we fail them it costs them time, money and sometimes thier customers good will. So if we require something from a contractor we must be able to justify it.

I agree with you. Before becoming an inspector, I was on the construction side of the industry and had to deal with many inspectors. A professional contractor did not get where he is at through mail ordering a license and attending a 1 day class in handy man Joe's garage. If I treat the contractor as though he has integrity and intelligence, I am going to get the same in return. I or no one else has the code requirements memorized, so if I am questioned about a requirement, I will discuss it with him. But at no time will I require anything that does not have a code section to back it up. This mind set of "Code by Mr Inspector" instead of "Code by NEC" is a no win. The purpose of code requirements is for life safety, health, and general welfare of the public. Not to satisfy the ego of an inspector. I will get off of my soap box now.:D
I agree with you. Before becoming an inspector, I was on the construction side of the industry and had to deal with many inspectors. A professional contractor did not get where he is at through mail ordering a license and attending a 1 day class in handy man Joe's garage. If I treat the contractor as though he has integrity and intelligence, I am going to get the same in return. I or no one else has the code requirements memorized, so if I am questioned about a requirement, I will discuss it with him. But at no time will I require anything that does not have a code section to back it up. This mind set of "Code by Mr Inspector" instead of "Code by NEC" is a no win. The purpose of code requirements is for life safety, health, and general welfare of the public. Not to satisfy the ego of an inspector. I will get off of my soap box now.:D

Great thoughts!
I always tell contractors that if I can't quote a code section I won't make you do it. You should always be able to ask an inspector where he got that from just do it nicely such as "For my own edification could you show me where that is?"

I can usually quote it, but I don't always remember the code section. When they start to arugue with me is when I usually figure out that they don't know the code section either, so then I'll go and give it to them.

How many inspectors get a blank stare when they quote 210.4(B). What if that was all I put down, then whos job is it to know what it says?

I didn't say the inspector was right, just saying.
Here if the State Electrical inspectors issue a correction order on the notice will be the code section that is in violation as well as some explanation of the situation. Inspectors can not make up their own code even if they want to. If they are making up their own code it will have to be verbal requests because a written correction orders will have code mentioned as I said before. One call to the Chief inspector or executive director will get this problem solved, they don't hardly ever have any problem with this kind of behavior anyway.
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