Leave 2 open spaces in panel?

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I am gonna give him a call and ask him for the code reference. He is pretty arrogant, but I'll ask him nicely.
Let us know what he says or what his substantiation is so we can understand what he is enforcing or at least we will be able to add moron after arrogant. ;)

I am gonna give him a call and ask him for the code reference. He is pretty arrogant, but I'll ask him nicely.

Record the call if you have that ability. That way you have a record to back you up. Take it to his boss if he is rude. Take it to TV news if the boss is rude.

Arrogance is nothing new for public officials. Remember, you are only a peon. He is an important official who does you a favor even by speaking to you. Not all are that way, but many get intoxicated with their authority and see how far they can push it.
IMO another part of the problem is misinterpretation. I've heard inspectors say well "I read it this way" when that's not what it actually says. Or they quote a FPN which is not part of the code, or as in this case they quote 90.8 which isn't enforceable either.
Can anyone post the Canadian section requiring empty spaces?

I am very curious how they would word such a requirement.

When can the spaces be filled?

8 - 108 Number of branch circuit positions

(1) For a single dwelling, the panelboard shall provide space for at least the
equivalent of the following number of 120 V branch circuit overcurrent devices,
including space for two 35 A double- pole overcurrent devices:
(a) sixteen — of which at least half shall be double - pole, where the required
ampacity of the service or feeder conductors does not exceed 60 A;
(b) twenty-four — of which at least half shall be double- pole
(i) where the required ampacity of the service or feeder
conductors exceeds 60 A but does not exceed 100 A; or
(ii) where the required ampacity of the service or feeder
conductors exceeds 100 A but does not exceed 125 A and
provision is made for a central electric furnace;
(c) thirty — of which at least half shall be double- pole
(i) where the required ampacity of the service or feeder
conductors exceeds 100 A but does not exceed 125 A; or
(ii) where the required ampacity of the service or feeder
conductors exceeds 125 A but does not exceed 200 A and
provision is made for a central electric furnace; and
(d) forty — of which at least half shall be double - pole, where the required
ampacity of the service or feeder conductors exceeds 125 A and the
dwelling is not heated by a central electric furnace.
(2) notwithstanding Subrule (1), sufficient spaces for overcurrent devices shall be
provided in the panelboard for the two 35 A double- pole overcurrent devices and for
all other overcurrent devices, and at least two additional spaces shall be left for future
overcurrent devices.
(3) for a dwelling unit in an apartment or similar building, the panelboard shall provide
space for at least the equivalent of the following number of 120 V branch circuit
overcurrent devices, including space for one 35 A double- pole overcurrent device:
(a) eight — where the required ampacity of the feeder conductors supplying
the dwelling unit does not exceed 60 A;
(b) twelve — where the required ampacity of the feeder conductors
supplying the dwelling unit exceeds 60 A.
Insufficient branch circuits can result in overloading of circuits, which may cause
nuisance tripping, overheating, and subsequent failure of electrical equipment. The
Code presents a minimum standard and where additional equipment is installed,
adequate provision must be made to supply it. Subrule (1) gives the requirements
pertaining to single dwellings for the minimum number of spaces for 120 V branch
circuit overcurrent devices in the panelboard, based on the ampacity of the service
or feeder conductors. Subrule (1) also requires space for two 35 A double- pole
overcurrent devices in the panelboard and extra 120 V branch circuit overcurrent
device spaces when a central electric furnace is not installed.
Table 8 -2 outlines the minimum branch circuit overcurrent device spaces for
common ampacities of single dwelling service or feeder sizes. Different
requirements exist if a central electric furnace is used.
Table 8 -2
Minimum number of branch circuit positions in a panelboardforasingledwelling
Subrule (2) requires that, regardless of branch circuit requirements in the single
dwelling, the space for two 35 A double - pole overcurrent devices (e.g., for an electric
range and electric clothes dryer) be maintained. Subrule (2) also requires space for
all other overcurrent devices that are necessary and at least two additional spaces
for future use. The Code makes no distinction between a house with a finished
basement and one without. If the basement isfinished, more branch circuit positions
should be used. For example, in a standard non - electrically heated bungalow with a
24 - circuit, 100 A combination service enclosure, if more than 22 circuits are
required, leaving fewer than two spare spaces , a 30 - circuit panelboard is needed.
Subrule (3) recognizes the limited electrical equipment in apartments and similar
buildings and the reduced need for 120 V and 35 A double- pole overcurrent devices.
The number of branch circuit positions required is as follows:
• for 60 A or less: eight 120 V branch circuit positions plus one 35 A double pole;
• for more than 60 A: twelve 120 V branch circuit positions plus one 35 A double
pole.No spare spaces are required because additions are not expected. The words
"at least" in Subrule (3) are important more so than in Subrule (2), which presents all
the options for a single dwelling. In a suite with an electric baseboard heater,
individual washer, dryer, and water heating, the branch circuit requirements might
exceed 12.
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