Senior Member
Dan we have disagreed on this - but the law creating the regulation is not the same as the regulation wording, and it is the regulation wording is what counts.... While California's "Electrician Certification" is still in it's infancy (some of us have kids older than this law") the rules are still being written and rewritten. The intent was never to allow anyone to do electrical work short of changing a lightbulb.... :grin: It actually took these morons several years to realize that most telephone systems are over 100VA....
For the record...the only thing I really did not agree on was the available posted CEU stuff at the beginning. It is obvious to me that you have spent way more time with the structure and maturity of this topic.....but that being said, I was pointing out the abuse of screwed up language, and you were defending its legitimate intent:smile:
e57, and to all CA electricians......I am not promoting GC's, Labororers, Hacks, ect. to install raceways always intended for electricians......I mean common:roll: I am a die hard electrician who thinks if one is not an "electrician",formal or informally trained, and ultimately not certified or licensed , then you are not an electrician, and shouldn't be messing with the stuff.
I am merely adding to the conversation, by providing an example of unintended unlicensed people who think running a piece of conduit is as easy as gluing 2 pieces together or turning a wrench. IMO potentially very dangerous.
On the other hand some states do not have a license structure or anything like that....ultimately it comes back to IMO the incomplete definition of a qualified person in the NEC. It should say if one has never heard of the NEC then they probably aren't an electrician
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