Lightning Protection Work

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Senior Member
Do you guys get into doing much lightining protection work?
Seems like only a handfull of people are doing that kind of work in these parts.
I dont see the electrical inspectors paying much attention to the work. Is it outside of their jursidiction?

chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
jrannis said:
I dont see the electrical inspectors paying much attention to the work. Is it outside of their jursidiction?
Certified Lightning Protection just did a genny I'm working on Friday. These guys handed me a cartoon and permit then asked for a ladder and heat gun. Inspection is Monday.

It's all 4 corners of the genny, four 3/4 times 20' cadwelded rods and hand holds.

Its at 1701 NE 26th Street in Wilton Manors. Manor Pines is the bldg name.

Stop by and take a look. I've never seen protection on something this low to the ground.


Senior Member
chris kennedy said:
Certified Lightning Protection just did a genny I'm working on Friday. These guys handed me a cartoon and permit then asked for a ladder and heat gun. Inspection is Monday.

It's all 4 corners of the genny, four 3/4 times 20' cadwelded rods and hand holds.

Its at 1701 NE 26th Street in Wilton Manors. Manor Pines is the bldg name.

Stop by and take a look. I've never seen protection on something this low to the ground.

I would be courious to know what they charged for a job like that. Do you know if the owner got the "Master Label" for it?


Senior Member
In the event I ever decide to get of of government work and go back to contracting, I would likely concentrate on Lightning and Surge Protection almost exclusively.

In the meanwhile, I am working with UL on their 96 and 96A standards and may eventually find myself on the technical committee of the NFPA 780.


Staff member
Plano, TX
It is mostly a Niche and Specialty market under UL-96 Master Label Program. I have about 4 contract companies spread geographically accross the US to cover the whole US

chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
jrannis said:
I would be courious to know what they charged for a job like that. Do you know if the owner got the "Master Label" for it?
The name of the company is Bonded Lightning Protection. The estimated job value on the permit app was $2900. Multiply that by 1.3, 1.5, 2?

It passed inspection today but lets play "Spot the Violation" for the heck of it.

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Senior Member
nice pipe bends.

why would a generator need lightning protection like that. wouldnt it make more sense to put those rods on the building its serving. i think thegenerator might suffer a little damage if its struck by lightning like that
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Karl H

Senior Member
San Diego,CA
I love this! I can just hear the installer after attempting the two 45's say "AWWW screw it!" But, still tried to make it look good by measuring the distance between straps to keep them uniform. LOL


Senior Member
I can't say that I've seen anything that low to the ground have lightning protection either. The cars are sitting up higher then the generator! And there are lots of trees in the parking lot.

But hey, if you can find a specialty market like that that people will pay good money for then go for it.


Senior Member
frizbeedog said:
Please help. What is the master label? :confused:

Its a UL label that used to have to be posted on the completed job. Now its a piece of paper you hand the owner. If its a UL job. I dont think our inspectors look at lightning protection jobs.
Chris, did they get inspected by the city or county? I noticed that Bonded has a "U" license(utility or underground), not a speciality or "ES" license.


Lightning Protection.

Lightning Protection.

I am looking ofr information connecting lightning protection to the NEC. I am not finding any


Senior Member
Lightning protection is really out of the scope of the NEC.

250.4(A)(1) mentions lightning, and 250.60 identifies requirements when air terminals and grounding electrodes are used for a LPS.

Other than that, you really need to be using the NFPA 780.


Staff member
retired electrician
If those conduits have lighting protection conductors in them then they are not in compliance with the rules. You are not permitted to bend the conductors that tight. I think that the minumum permitted bending radius is 9", but it has been a long time since I looked at long that it was NFPA78 not NFPA780 like it is now.


Senior Member
chris kennedy said:
The name of the company is Bonded Lightning Protection. The estimated job value on the permit app was $2900. Multiply that by 1.3, 1.5, 2?

It passed inspection today but lets play "Spot the Violation" for the heck of it.

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View attachment 1315

Never done cold bending of PVC but was always under the impression that a shoe was required somewhere in the process?

On the flip side, it looks like the Generac install was good.

We always used a Master Label certified vendor. Me, and my four competitors used the same guy. We were sorta 'locked-in', and had to have that certificate before the final draw.

Best Wishes Everyone


Senior Member
Redmond, WA
Generator Lightning Protection

Generator Lightning Protection

Interesting installation. The conduit risers coming out the side of the generator in one picture are higher than the lightning rods. Will lightning strike the riser conduits before it gets down to the generator rods? Shouldn't there be a rod on top of those conduits?

The sharp 90's in the down comers add extra impedance to the ground path causing extra voltage rise during a strike. I would not approve installation of lightning ground wires like that.

The generator enclosure probably provides lightning protection as good as the rods in this installation. The enclosure may be substantial enough to take a direct hit and keep the damage to some sheet metal repairs. But I guess the lightning protection insallation can be considered insurance.
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